Philip le Despenser a. a. 24 Gwengolo 1313

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Lignez Despenser
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Anv a-bezh d'ar c'hanedigezh Philip le Despenser

w Isabel de Beauchamp (Daughter of 1st Earl Warwick) [Beauchamp] g. 1263 a. a. 1306

w (Sir) Hugh le Despenser (Earl of Winchester) [Despencer] g. 1 Meurzh 1261 a. a. 27 Here 1326

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eured: Margaret de Goushill (de Gousille) [Goushill]

6 Ebrel 1313 bugel: Philip Despenser [Despenser] g. 6 Ebrel 1313 a. a. Eost 1349

24 Gwengolo 1313 marvidigezh:

Eus an dud-kozh d'ar vugale-vihan

Aveline FitzJohn (Lutegareshale)
ganedigezh: 1230, England, Shere, Surrey, England
titl: of Essex
eured: Walter de Burgh
marvidigezh: 20 Mae 1274
douaridigezh: Dunmow Priory, Eire
Maud FitzJohn
ganedigezh: 1238, Shere, Surrey (England)
eured: Guillaume de Beauchamp (Comte de Warwick)
marvidigezh: 18 Ebrel 1301, Worcester (England), Greyfriars (Worcester)
Guillaume de Beauchamp (Comte de Warwick)
ganedigezh: 1238, Warwick (Angleterre)
titl: Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
eured: Maud FitzJohn
marvidigezh: 5 Mezheven 1298, Elmley Castle, royaume d'Angleterre
Hugh Despencer (of Loughborough)
ganedigezh: < 1223
titl: Justiciar
marvidigezh: 4 Eost 1265, Evesham, England
Guy de Beauchamp (Comte de Warwick)
ganedigezh: 1272?
titl: Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
eured: w Alice de Tosny , 2
marvidigezh: 12 Eost 1315
douaridigezh: abbaye de Bordesley
Isabel de Beauchamp (Daughter of 1st Earl Warwick)
ganedigezh: 1263, Warwickshire, England
marvidigezh: 1306
(Sir) Hugh le Despenser (Earl of Winchester)
ganedigezh: 1 Meurzh 1261
marvidigezh: 27 Here 1326
== 3 ==
Maud Chaworth
ganedigezh: 2 Eost 1282
titl: 1297, Comtesse de Lancastre
eured: Henry Plantagenet (3. Earl of Lancaster)
marvidigezh: 1322
(Sir) Hugh Despenser (the Younger)
marvidigezh: 24 Du 1326
== 3 ==
Philip Despenser
ganedigezh: 6 Ebrel 1313
eured: Joan de Cobham
marvidigezh: Eost 1349
Philip le Despenser
ganedigezh: 18 Here 1342, Gedney (Lincolnshire)
titl: baron le Despenser
marvidigezh: 4 Eost 1401

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