Lucius Prasutagus Pankratiastus (Esuprastus, Esico) g. 10 a. a. < 59

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Anv a-bezh d'ar c'hanedigezh Lucius Prasutagus Pankratiastus
Anvioù-tiegezh all Esuprastus, Esico
Kentanvioù all Esuprastus Pankratiastus

Cunobelinus II ? (ap Tentanius, Kymbeline, Catuvelani) [?] a. a. < 45

Lucia (Annwyn) ? (Fourth Wife of Cymbeline) [?]

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10 ganedigezh:

bugel: Tascia (Voada) ? (Daughter of Prasutagus and Boudicca) [?]

eured: Boudicca (Budvuocj) [Trinovante] a. a. 60

titl: Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England), Dux Icenorum - Subrex

< 45 bugel: Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England), Victoria (Voadicia) Verch Prasutagus [Iceni] g. < 45

< 59 marvidigezh:


Patrom:Needsources Patrom:Source controversée

His name as identified by Vettulenus Laetis in describing the gens of Tiberius Claudius Rufus indicates that Esuprastus may have once bore the honorific of Pankratiastus indicating that he may have at one time been gladiator with some Greek or Parthian heritage.

In the Roman colonial governments a governor of equestrian rank carried as his honorific "Praesus" from the term "Praeses" It is this term that is likely carried down through the English language as the origin of the term priest as the superior of a "Praesus" was the Vicar or "vicarius"


  1. Ryan Pemble - ryanpemble [at]
  2. Ruling Roman Britain: Kings, Queens, Governors and Emperors from Julius Caesar to Agricola Front Cover David Braund Routledge, Apr 15, 2013 -
  3. Hughes, David. The British Chronicles Book One. Heritage Books 2008 -
  4. - Esico Litullus C. Commico Lousico
  5. -
  6. -
  7. - SUB RI PRASTO / ESICO FECIT, SUB RI PRASTO/ ISICO FECIT Prastus, by Esus grace, made sub regent
  8. Robin George Collingwood, ‎R. P. Wright - 1995 - Region (1923), 207 with pi. XXI. 1. <2T graffito on the base: IISICO LITVLLVSC COMMICO LOVSICO Esico Litullus C Commico Lousico IISICO LITVLLVSC COMMITO LOXSICO, R.G.C. ESICO LITVLLVS C(enturio) COMMIT(T)0 HOXAICO
  9. The Roman Inscriptions of Britain: Instrumentum domesticum (Personal belongings and the like). fasc. 4. Wooden barrels, stilus-tablets, miscellaneous objects of wood, leather objects, oculist's stamps, wallplaster, mosaics, handmills, stone tablets, stone balls, stone pebbles, small stone votives, miscellaneous objects of stone, jet figurine, clay figurines, miscellaneous clay objects, antefixes, tile-stamps of Legion II Augusta, of Legion VI Victrix, of Legion IX Hispana, of Legion XX Valeria Victrix, Tile-stamps of the Auxiliaries. (RIB 2442-2480) Front Cover Robin George Collingwood, R. P. Wright Clarendon Press, 1995 -

Eus an dud-kozh d'ar vugale-vihan

Androgeus ? (Avarwy ap Lludd, Mandubracius)
eured: Andrivete
titl: -46 ≤ ? ≤ -44, King of Britain
Theomantius ? (Tenantius (Tenevan), ap Lludd)
titl: -44 ≤ ? ≤ -43, Rex Britannia
darvoud all: -25 ≤ ? ≤ -20, Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester), Rex Atrebates
darvoud 1: 8, Rome, Exile
Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus
ganedigezh: 15 Genver 38
marvidigezh: 69
Licinia ? (Angrabothia)
annez: Ecbatana, Parthia
Epaticcus Epillus (Secundus)
darvoud all: King of the Cantiacci
marvidigezh: 35
Verica ? (Bericus)
titl: 15, King of the Atrebates, Fishbourne Roman Palace, Fishbourne
== 3 ==
Caracticus (Sandarcottas) Commius (Arivargus)
ganedigezh: < -25, Colchester (Essex)
niver a euredoù: 43
marvidigezh: 74, Colchester (Essex), Camulodunum
Boudicca (Budvuocj)
titl: Queen Of The Iceni
eured: Lucius Prasutagus Pankratiastus (Esuprastus, Esico)
deskrivadur fizikel: Red Hair
darvoud 1: 51, Revolt against Rome
marvidigezh: 60
Lucius Prasutagus Pankratiastus (Esuprastus, Esico)
ganedigezh: 10
eured: Boudicca (Budvuocj)
titl: Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England), Dux Icenorum - Subrex
marvidigezh: < 59
== 3 ==
Gaius Marius
ganedigezh: < 45, Arpinum
eured: Victoria (Voadicia) Verch Prasutagus
annez: 79, Colchester (Essex)
micher: 80, Consul Suffectus
ganedigezh: 87 ≤ ? ≤ 95, King of Britain
Victoria (Voadicia) Verch Prasutagus
ganedigezh: < 45, Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England)
titl: Princess of the Iceni
eured: Gaius Marius
Feradach Finnfechtnach
ganedigezh: 36?
Tascia (Voada) ? (Daughter of Prasutagus and Boudicca)
ganedigezh: Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England)
Fíachu Finnolach
darvoud all: 56
Aula Caesius Nasicus (Pudens)
ganedigezh: 35?
eured: Claudia Rufina
darvoud all: 56, Commanded the Spanish Legion VIIII Hispana in Britain
Claudia Rufina
ganedigezh: > 50
deskrivadur fizikel: Red Hair
eured: Aula Caesius Nasicus (Pudens)
Tiberius Claudius Marius (Rufus)
ganedigezh: Siluria
relijion: Brittany
marvidigezh: 170
Coellius I ? (Marcus Roscius Coelius)
ganedigezh: 50?
micher: 68, Legate of the Legio XX Valeria Victrix, Britain
titl: 95 ≤ ? ≤ 154, King of Britain

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