Lucius ? (Coelinus, Saint Luke)

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Anv a-bezh d'ar c'hanedigezh Lucius ?
Anvioù-tiegezh all Coelinus, Saint Luke
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Coellius I ? (Marcus Roscius Coelius) [?] g. 50?

Claudia ? (Daughter of Tiberius Claudius) [?]



bugel: Gwladys [?]

155 ≤ ? ≤ 184 titl: King of Britain


  1. - First Christian King of Britan
  2. - Schelstrate, the learned prefect of the Vatican library, in his dissertation on the patriarchal authority, transcribes the following words from an ancient manuscript history of the kings of England, kept in the Vatican library: “Lucius sent a letter to Pope Eleutherius that he might be made a Christian, and he obtained his request.” The same learned author copies the following testimony from an ancient catalogue of the popes, written in the time of the Emperor Justinian, as we are assured by the title, found in the library of Christina, queen of Sweden: “Eleutherius received a letter from Lucius, king of Britain, who desired to be made a Christian by his command.”
  3. Rowland’s Mona Antiqua, pp. 143, 156. -
  4. Martial, l. 4, Epigr. 13, and l. 11, Epigr. 54. -
  5. Fred. Spanheim, t. 3, Miscellan. Append. De Traditis Conversionibus Lucij Regis, Juliæ Mammeæ, et Philippi Imp. Disquisitio Tripartita, p. 390, t. 2, op. -
  6. Sam. Basnage, (Annal. ad an. 181, n. 3) -

Eus an dud-kozh d'ar vugale-vihan

Gaius Marius
ganedigezh: < 45, Arpinum
eured: Victoria (Voadicia) Verch Prasutagus
annez: 79, Colchester (Essex)
micher: 80, Consul Suffectus
ganedigezh: 87 ≤ ? ≤ 95, King of Britain
Tascia (Voada) ? (Daughter of Prasutagus and Boudicca)
ganedigezh: Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England)
Victoria (Voadicia) Verch Prasutagus
ganedigezh: < 45, Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England)
titl: Princess of the Iceni
eured: Gaius Marius
Tiberius Claudius Marius (Rufus)
ganedigezh: Siluria
relijion: Brittany
marvidigezh: 170
Claudia Rufina
ganedigezh: > 50
deskrivadur fizikel: Red Hair
eured: Aula Caesius Nasicus (Pudens)
Coellius I ? (Marcus Roscius Coelius)
ganedigezh: 50?
micher: 68, Legate of the Legio XX Valeria Victrix, Britain
titl: 95 ≤ ? ≤ 154, King of Britain
Croilus Marius (Secundus)
titl: Governor of Phoenicia
titl: Governor of Greece (under Macrinus)
marvidigezh: 8 Mezheven 218
== 3 ==
Althildis Maria
ganedigezh: 90?
titl: Princesa da Britania
marvidigezh: 129
Claudia Emerita
marvidigezh: 148
Lucius ? (Coelinus, Saint Luke)
titl: 155 ≤ ? ≤ 184, King of Britain
== 3 ==

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