Cassius Muladi (de Vasque) g. 685? - Taolenn an diskennidi
Ur pennad tennet eus Rodovid BR, ar c'helc'hgeriadur digor.
broadelezh: Visigoth
annez: Tudela (Navarre)
eured: <1> ♀ ? ? (of Ulhasa) [?]
darvoud 1: 714, Conversion to Islam
Conde Cassius (Qasi), ок. 619 ум. 715 - по
From the Chronicals of ibn Hazm. Arab historian Ibn Hazm who lived in the 11th century, listed his sons as Fortun, Abu Tawr, Abu Salama, Yunus and Yahya. The family of Cassius likely descended from a branch of the Persian Ghassians Person:392274 who migrated to the region near Marseilles in the early 6th century.
Из хроники ибн Хазма. Арабский историк Ибн Хазм, живший в 11 веке, перечислил своих сыновей как Фортун, Абу Таур, Абу Салама, Юнус и Яхья. Семья Кассия, вероятно, произошла от ветви персидских гассийцев Гассана? (Ибн Джабала, Аль-Хурани, Бану Гассан) (?,?), который мигрировал в регион недалеко от Марселя в начале 6 века.
31/2 <1+1> ♂ Abutaurek ? (Abu Tawr, Tariq ibn Ziyad) [Banu Qasi]ganedigezh: 29 Ebrel 711, Landing in Gibraltar (Jabal al Tariq)
titl: Governor of Tangier
marvidigezh: 720
Abü Tawr ibn Qasi, valí de Huesca, р. между 695 и 749 - по
Existence confirmed by Witiza, Visigothic king of Toledo whose his sons were allies of Taric against the Visigothic King Roderic.
Существование подтвердил Витиза, вестготский король Толедо, чьи сыновья были союзниками Тарика против вестготовского короля Родерика.3
71/3 <2+2> ♂ Musa ibn Fortun de Zaragoza [Banu Qasi]4
91/4 <7+3> ♂ Musá II ibn Musá (al-Qawasi) [Banu Qasi]eured: <4> Ψ ещё 2 Жены [?]
eured: <5> ♀ Assona Iñiguez [Íñiga] g. > 790
marvidigezh: 26 Gwengolo 862
Musa was the maternal half-brother of Inigo Arista
Musa II, maintained his independence against both Franks and Arabs. Independence apart, the Beni-Kasim had no definite policy; they fought against the Count of Barcelona, against the Christians of Castile and the Arabs of Córdoba, and their alliances were as varied as their hostilities; they lent support to the renegades of Toledo, Muslim subjects of Visigothic origin, who forced the Emir of Córdoba to recognize their independence in 873, under payment of an annual tribute. Musa styled himself "the third King of Spain," and was respected or feared by all his neighbours: Charles the Bald was willing to send him presents. On his death in 862, the Emir of Córdoba overpowered this kingdom, but was soon driven out by the Beni-Kasim in alliance with Alfonso III of Leon, who had even entrusted them with the education of his son Ordoño.marvidigezh: 799, Pampelune
marvidigezh: 802
141/5 <9+5> ♂ w Lubb II ibn Musa [Banu Qasi] 152/5 <9+5> ♀ Awriya ibn Musa [Banu Qasi]eured: <8> ♀ Velasquita Garcés [Íñiga]
marvidigezh: 873, Cruicified in Cordoba