Tiberius Claudius Marius (Rufus) a. a. 170 - Taolenn an diskennidi
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11/1 <?> ♂ Tiberius Claudius Marius (Rufus) [Gens Marii] ganedigezh: Siluria
relijion: Brittany
marvidigezh: 170
relijion: Brittany
marvidigezh: 170
Patrom:NeedsourcesRoman soldier from Silesia, not to be confused with Coel of Winchester. Croilus was either the son or grandson of Gaius Marius Silurius of the Roman family of gens Marii, else Croilus himself had a son of the same name. It is almost certain that there are three generations represented by the same two men, but in which capacity. Croilus is sometimes referred to as "The old" or "The Elder" which could indicate that he had a son with whom he has since been conflated to create a single person with an exceptionally long life for the time period (nearly 100 years old at time of death). There is however no reference to be found at this time of a son by the same name. It has also been suggested that his Father/Grandfather was named Gaius Marius Silures whose son Gaius Marius Secundus was the father of Croilus. That too cannot be proven at this time, which leads one to make an educated guess one way or another. The Silurian tribe of Britain was formed around the local garrison of soldiers imported from Silures. This is true of many of the "British local tribes" who became designated according to the largely tribal affiliation of the local Roman Garrison.
Croilus Marius' Father/Grandfather Gaius Marius was a half brother to Claudia Rufina (aka Claudia Peregrina Rufina) who is mentioned in the letters of Paul the Apostle as an early devotee and supporter of the Christian movement.
21/2 <1> ♂ Croilus Marius (Secundus) [Gens Marii]titl: Governor of Phoenicia
titl: Governor of Greece (under Macrinus)
marvidigezh: 8 Mezheven 218
titl: Governor of Greece (under Macrinus)
marvidigezh: 8 Mezheven 218
Nominated by Vettulenus Laetus in 100 AD for exceptional service to Rome in Ellis and Olympia where he is named officially as the victorius pankratiastus Tiberius Claudius Rufus [Secundus].
32/2 <1> ♀ Claudia ? (Daughter of Tiberius Claudius) [?] 3
51/3 <3+?> ♀ Claudia Emerita [?]marvidigezh: 148
42/3 <3+?> ♂ Lucius ? (Coelinus, Saint Luke) [?] titl: 155 ≤ ? ≤ 184, King of Britain