Roger Manwaring - Taolenn an diskennidi
Ur pennad tennet eus Rodovid BR, ar c'helc'hgeriadur digor.
21/2 <1> ♂ Ralph FitzRoger (Manwaring) [Manwaring]3
31/3 <2+?> ♀ Bertreda Manwaring (Mesnilwarin) [Manwaring]niver a euredoù: 1217
61/4 <3+1+?> ♀ Alice Audley [Audley]darvoud all: James De Alditheley, Other name
darvoud all: Reference Numbe, STA006.24
eured: <2> ♀ Ela Longespee [Longespée] g. 1234 a. a. 1297
marvidigezh: 11 Mezheven 1272, Ireland
darvoud all: 12 Gouere 2000, Record Change
Call number:
[WITH A PITT & A PITTANCE.FTW] [fliegenzehut--Ferris Wheel Family.FTW] Sources: A. Roots 207, 122; Norr pages 9, 10; Kraentzle r 1059; Ayers,p 37. Roots: James de Audley (or Aldithley), Keeper of the Cas tle ofNewca stle-under-Lynn, 30 Oct. 1250, Lord Marcher, Sh eriff ofSalop1261-1262, a nd Staffordshire 1270-1271, Justi ciar of Ireland. Norr: Justice of Chester. K: James de Audley, Justiciare of Chester. Born 1225, di ed 1272inIr eland.
- Also known as James of Aldithley.
SOURCES: 1. Weis, Frederick Lewis. _Ancestral Roots of Sixty AmericanColonis ts_. 6th Edition. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishin g Company,Inc .,1988; line 207-31. 2. Cokayne, George Edward. _The Complete Peerage_. Lon don: The St. . Catherine's Press, 1949; Volume I, page 337. 3. Norr, Vernon M. _Some Early English Pedigrees_, pag e 9. XREFS:
- HYATT: STA006.24, ALD007.01
This is a work in progress, not all family connections have been verified. I am grateful to the contributions made by others to the advancement of this project.
71/5 <4+2> ♂ Nicholas Audley [Audley]marvidigezh: 28 Eost 1299
darvoud all: 12 Gouere 2000, Record Change
Call number:
[WITH A PITT & A PITTANCE.FTW] [fliegenzehut--Ferris Wheel Family.FTW] Sources: Norr; A. Roots 122; Ayers, p37, 409. Roots: Nicholas Audley, Lord Audley, son of Ela Longesp e. He was born before 1285, died 28 Aug. 1299. Ayers: Nicholas of Aldithley, or Audley; born before 1258; died 28 Aug. 1299; son of Ela Longespee. Norr: Son of unknown first wife (Margaret ? 3;?). Succeeded his brothers in 1274+83 as heir, hence he was older than Hugh Sr., whom some sources say was the only son of Ela Longespee.
This is a work in progress, not all family connections have been verified. I am grateful to the contributions made by others to the advancement of this project.
eured: <3> ♀ Isolde le Rous (de Audley, de Mortimer) [le Rous] g. 1269 a. a. 1328
marvidigezh: 1325
darvoud all: 12 Gouere 2000, Record Change
Call number:
This is a work in progress, not all family connections have been verified. I am grateful to the contributions made by others to the advancement of this project.
121/6 <9+3> ♂ Hugh de Audley (D'audley) [Audley]micher: Earl Of Gloucester
darvoud all: 1289, Born
eured: <4> ♀ Margaret de Clare [Clare] g. 1292 a. a. 13 Ebrel 1342
marvidigezh: 10 Du 1347, Tunbridge Priory, Kent, England
darvoud all: 10 Du 1347, Died
darvoud all: 12 Gouere 2000, Record Change
eured: <5> ♂ Ralph Greystoke [Greystoke] g. 15 Eost 1299
eured: <6> ♂ w Ralph de Neville [Neville] g. 1290 a. a. 5 Eost 1367, Cockermouth, England, -1326
marvidigezh: 11 Genver 1373, Greystoke Manor, Northumberland, England, -1374
darvoud all: 12 Genver 1374, -1375, Died
badeziant LDS: 16 Mae 1931, SLAKE
argouraouadur LDS: 1 Gouere 1931, SLAKE
sielladur / bugel: 14 Mezheven 1983, SLAKE
darvoud all: 12 Gouere 2000, Record Change
douaridigezh: Cathedral Church, Durham, Durhamshire, England
ganedigezh: Eost 1354
eured: <7> ♂ w William Montagu (Montacute) (2nd Baron Montacute) [Montagu] g. 1275 a. a. 18 Here 1319
221/7 <13+6> ♀ Catherine de Neville [Neville]marvidigezh: 1, Sep 1361
ganedigezh: 1330, Raby Castle, County Durham, England, Raby-Keverstone
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into the languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
[2640299~Richard A Carew.FTW]
[2640299~Richard A Carew.ged]
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Baroness of Dacre REFN: HWS7499 Ancestral File Number:<AFN > 9FGJ-JL OBJE: C:\LEGACY\PICTURES\C_baron1.GIF OBJE: C:\LEGACY\PICTURES\DACR E.gif OBJE: C:\LEGACY\PICTURES\neville.JPG
This is a work in progress, not all family connections have been verified. I am grateful to the contributions made by others to the advancement of this project.
eured: <8> ♀ w Catherine Grandison [Grandison] g. 1304 a. a. 23 Du 1349
marvidigezh: 30 Genver 1344
marvidigezh: 10 Gouere 1359
darvoud all: Unknown-Begin
marvidigezh: Here 1393
badeziant LDS: 16 Mae 1931, SLAKE
argouraouadur LDS: 2 Gouere 1931, SLAKE
sielladur / bugel: 14 Mezheven 1983, SLAKE
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into the languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
[2640299~Richard A Carew.FTW]
[2640299~Richard A Carew.ged]
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Baroness of Lucy REFN: HWS8389 Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9HPX-X6 OBJE: C:\LEGACY\PICTURES\C_baron1.GIF OBJE: C:\LEGACY\PICTURES\lucy. jpg
This is a work in progress, not all family connections have been verified. I am grateful to the contributions made by others to the advancement of this project.
eured: <9> ♀ Maud de Percy [Percy] g. 1335 a. a. 18 C'hwevrer 1379
marvidigezh: 17 Here 1388, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England
marvidigezh: 1380
TEXT Copyright © 1997-98-99 J.M. Elliott & On-Line-Publishing. All rights reserved. "Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into the languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
[2640299~Richard A Carew.FTW]
[2640299~Richard A Carew.ged]
Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Knight REFN: HWS7484 Ancestral Fi le Number:<AFN> N2FD-10 OBJE: C:\LEGACY\PICTURES\neville.JPG OBJE: C:\LEGACY\ PICTURES\knight.gif
This is a work in progress, not all family connections have been verified. I am grateful to the contributions made by others to the advancement of this project.
badeziant LDS: 16 Mae 1931, SLAKE
argouraouadur LDS: 25 Eost 1932, SLAKE
sielladur / bugel: 14 Mezheven 1983, SLAKE
badeziant LDS: 16 Mae 1931, SLAKE
argouraouadur LDS: 25 Mezheven 1931
sielladur / bugel: 8 Eost 1983, SLAKE
badeziant LDS: 16 Mae 1916, SLAKE
argouraouadur LDS: 2 Gwengolo 1931, SLAKE
sielladur / bugel: 14 Mezheven 1983, SLAKE
marvidigezh: 1392
badeziant LDS: 16 Mae 1931, SLAKE
argouraouadur LDS: 2 Gwengolo 1931, SLAKE
sielladur / bugel: 14 Mezheven 1983, SLAKE
badeziant LDS: 2 Mezheven 1983, SLAKE
argouraouadur LDS: 9 Mezheven 1983, SLAKE
sielladur / bugel: 14 Mezheven 1983, SLAKE
321/8 <27+8> ♂ William Montagu (Comte de Salisbury) [Montagu]eured: <10> ♀ w Elizabeth FitzAlan [FitzAlan] g. 1366 a. a. 8 Gouere 1425
marvidigezh: 3 Mezheven 1397
marvidigezh: 1390
eured: <11> ♀ Catherine Clifford [Clifford] g. 1358 a. a. 23 Ebrel 1413
marvidigezh: 6 Ebrel 1418
titl: Earl of Westmorland, 1st
eured: <12> ♀ Joan de Beaufort [Plantagenet] g. 1379? a. a. 13 Du 1440, Goudet (43), Chateau De Beaufort
marvidigezh: 21 Here 1425
eured: <13> ♀ Philippa Beauchamp [Beauchamp] g. <1 Meurzh 1351 a. a. <6 Ebrel 1386
marvidigezh: 1386