Артештар Вогуман Аршакич - Taolenn an diskennidi

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Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
11/1 <?> Артештар Вогуман Аршакич [Аршакичі]


21/2 <1> Сасан Арташирич (Аршакич) [Аршакичі]


31/3 <2> Zehrerir Sasanung [Arsacid]


41/4 <3> Vehafrit Zarirssohn [Arsacid]


51/5 <4> w Сасан Магупат [Магупати]
ganedigezh: Істахр


61/6 <5> Ардашир I Амалік Сасанич [Сасаничі]
ganedigezh: Город Істахр, Іран
titl: Князівство, Князь
titl: 224 ≤ ? ≤ 241, Князівство Перське, Князь
marvidigezh: Царство Іранське, Дарабгард
Patrom:Place name error

Patrom:Needsources Patrom:Controversial

Artakhshtar-i Papakan, whose mother was Papak's daughter, son of Sasan son of Vehafrit son of Zarir son of Sasan son of Arteshtar, who is called Vohuman son of Spenddat (Isfendyar son of Gustasp)

Jordanes says that a son Isarna was born to Amalacus aboard ship during a voyage. However, he does not mention the year.


71/7 <6+1+?> Huoch (Huochapur I) [Getae]
ganedigezh: 215?, Firuzabad (Fars), Possibly
relijion: Zoroastrian
eured: <1> Tura Mitroksdotter (Drengamor) [Mithrosdotter]
titl: 240 ≤ ? ≤ 272, King of Northern Persia
marvidigezh: 272


His mother was condemned to death for treachery but discovered prior to her execution to be pregnant. The jailer hid her until the time of the birth. The jailer sent the child away into exile until he had attained an age where he could be safely recognized as the heir of his father. His mother was executed shortly after his birth. They myth of Aschif spread with Roman army as part of the Mithraic cult, and can be found preserved in the mythology and folklore of the Dalriad, Gaul, Baleric Islands, Denmark/Jutland, Saxony, Britain, and parts of Scandinavia.
92/7 <6+?> Шапур I Сасанич [Сасаничі]
darvoud all: Царство Перське, Contemporary of Lucius Septimius Odaenathus
darvoud 1: 221, Gundeshapur, Царство Перське, Founding of the Library of Gundeshapur
83/7 <6+?> Isurnia of Apulia [Longbeard]
104/7 <6> Шапур I Сассанович [Сассановичи]


111/8 <9> Narseh I (Adur-Narseh) Hocsson [Сасаничі]
darvoud all: Mezheven 251, Царство Римське, вбив Царя Деція
titl: 293 ≤ ? ≤ 302, Князівство, Князь
King of Grethungi Patrom:Needsources
132/8 <7+9!+?> Бахрам I Сассанович [Сассановичи]
titl: 273 ≤ ? ≤ 276, King of Grethungi
123/8 <9> მირიან III Хосроевич [Хосроевичи]
ganedigezh: 277?, Царство Перське
titl: 284 - 361
eured: <2> Abeshura (Aspas) ? [Arsacid] a. a. 292
eured: <3> w Нана Вольтурі [Вольтурі] a. a. 363
marvidigezh: 361
douaridigezh: 361, Обитель Самтаврійська, Город Мцхета, Князівство Картське, Царство
Святой мученик царь Арчил II принадлежал к династии Хосроидов и был прямым потомком святого благоверного царя Мириана (+ 342).

The king's name, Mirian, is a Georgian adaptation of the Iranian "Mihran". The medieval Georgian records give other versions of his name, both in its original Iranian as well as closely related Georgian forms (Mirean, Mirvan). Writing in Latin, the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus (XXI.6.8) renders the name of his contemporary Iberian king as Meribanes.

The Georgian sources speak of Mirian’s two marriages. His first wife was Abeshura, daughter of the last Arsacid Iberian king who also traced his ancestry to the ancient Pharnabazid dynasty of Iberia. She died without issue when Mirian was 15 years old, in 292 according to Toumanoff. With her death, "the kingship and queenship of the Pharnabazid kings came to an end in Iberia", — the chronicler continues. Mirian subsequently remarried his second queen, Nana "from Pontus, daughter of Oligotos", who bore him two sons — Rev and Varaz-Bakur — and a daughter who married Peroz, the first Mihranid dynast of Gogarene
144/8 <10> Мириан III [Хосроиды]
155/8 <8> Ostragotha ? (Possibly Named Athalrig, Balti) [?]
Patrom:NeedsourcesRelative of Rothesteus (aka Rothesteos, Rothestes, also Radistis)
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