Ur pennad tennet eus Rodovid BR, ar c'helc'hgeriadur digor.
Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
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♂ Mikail ? (ibn Seljuk) [
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♂ w Огуз Каган [
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♂ Кайи Гюнів син Тюрк [
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♀ Khadija ? (Arslan Khatun) [
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♂ аль Муктади Аббаси [
Al-Muqtadi (Arabic: المقتدى ) (died 1094) was the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad from 1075 to 1094.
He was honored by the Seljuk Sultan Malik Shah, during whose reign the Caliphate was recognized throughout the extending range of Seljuk conquest. Arabia, with the Holy Cities now recovered from the Fatimids, acknowledged again the spiritual jurisdiction of the Abbasids. The Sultan arranged a marriage between his daughter and Al-Muqtadi, possibly planning on the birth of a son who could serve as both Caliph and Sultan. Though the couple had a son, the mother left with her infant to the court of Isfahan. Following the failure of the marriage, the Sultan grew critical of the Caliph's interference in affairs of state, and sent an order for him to retire to Basra. The death of Malik Shah shortly after, however, made the command inoperative.
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♂ w Саркук Альп Кайив син Тюрк (Arslan Yabgu) [
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♂ аль Мустажир Аббас [
ganedigezh: 1078
marvidigezh: 1118
Al-Mustadhir (Arabic: المستظهر بالله) (1078–1118) was the Abbasid caliph in Baghdad from 1094 to 1118. He succeeded his father al-Muqtadi. During his twenty-four year incumbency he was politically irrelevant, despite the civil strife at home and the appearance of the First Crusade in Syria. An attempt was even made by crusader Raymond IV of Toulouse to attack Baghdad, but he was defeated near Tokat. The global Muslim population had climbed to about 5 per cent as against the Christian population of 11 per cent by 1100.
In the year 492 AH (1099 AD), Jerusalem was captured by the crusaders and its inhabitants were massacred. Preachers travelled throughout the caliphate proclaiming the tragedy and rousing men to recover from infidel hands the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the scene of the Prophet's heavenly flight. But whatever the success elsewhere, the mission failed in the eastern provinces, which were occupied with their own troubles, and moreover cared little for the Holy Land, dominated as it then was by the Fatimid faith. Crowds of exiles, seeking refuge in Baghdad, joined there with the populace in crying out for war against the Franks (the name used by Muslims for the crusaders). For two Fridays in 1111 the insurgents, incited by Ibn al-Khashshab, the qadi of Aleppo, stormed the Great Mosque, broke the pulpit and throne of the Caliph in pieces, and shouted down the service, but neither the Sultan nor the Caliph were interested in sending an army west.
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♂ w Qutalmish II [
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♂ аль Мустаршид Аббас [
ganedigezh: 1092
marvidigezh: 1135
Al-Mustarshid (1092 - 1135) was the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad from 1118 to 1135.
Son of the preceding Caliph, he achieved more independence as a ruler while the Seljuq sultan Mahmud II was engaged in war in the East.
In 1123 an Arab Banu Mazyad general, Dubais, tried to take advantage of the momentary lack of power and, after plundering Bosra, attacked Baghdad together with a young brother of the sultan. He was however crushed by a Seljuq army under Zengi. In 1125 it was the time of al-Mustarshid to rebel. He sent an army to take Wasit but was defeated near Baghdad and imprisoned in his palace (1126).
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♂ аль Муктафи Аббас [
marvidigezh: 1160
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♂ Suleiman Shah (Second of That Name) [
ganedigezh: 1178
marvidigezh: 1236
Сам Эртугърул Гази является сыном Сюлейман Шаха, который утонул после битвы с Моголами. Все они относятся к роду Кайы, который восходит по родословной к Огъуз хану, наряду с другими его отвевлениями.
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♀ аль Рашид Аббаси [
ganedigezh: 1109
marvidigezh: 1138
al-Rashid (Arabic: الراشد; 1109- 1138) was the Abbasid caliph in Baghdad from 1135 to 1136.
Like his father, al-Mustarshid, ar-Rashid made another failed attempt at independence from Seljuq Turks. To avenge his father's death, he insulted the Sultan Mas'ud's envoy who came to demand a heavy largess, incited the mob to plunder his palace, and then, supported by Zengi, who was equally hostile to Sultan because of the murder of Dubeis, set up a rival Sultan. Mas'ud hastened to the rebellious capital and laid siege to it. Baghdad, well defended by the river and its canals, resisted the attack; but in the end the Caliph and Zengi, hopeless of success, escaped to Mosul. The Sultan's power restored, a council was held, the Caliph deposed, and his uncle, son of Al-Muqtafi, appointed as the new Caliph.
Ar-Rashid fled to Isfahan, where he was killed by Hashshashins in 1138
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♂ Юсуф аль Мустанджид Аббас [
marvidigezh: 1170
Al-Mustanjid (died 1170) was the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad from 1160 to 1170. He was the son of previous Caliph al-Muqtafi. One of al-Muqtafi's wives wanted her own son to succeed. She gained over many Amirs to her side, and had their slave-girls armed with daggers to kill the new Caliph. Al-Mustanjid discovered the plot and placed the rebel son and mother in prison.
Around this time, Fatimid dynasty was at last extinguished, having lasted for 260 years. Their conqueror, Saladin, though himself an orthodox Muslim, initially didn't proclaim the Sunni faith in the midst of a people still devoted to the tenets and practice of the Shi'a sect. But he soon found himself able to do so; and thus the spiritual supremacy of the Abbasids again prevailed, not only in Syria, but throughout Egypt and all its dependencies.
There is little else to say than that this Caliph continued to occupy a more or less independent position, with a Vazir and courtly surroundings, and supported by only a small force sufficient for an occasional local campaign.
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♂ Хассан аль Муcтади ибн Юсуф аль Мустанджид Аббас [
ganedigezh: 1142
marvidigezh: 1180
Hassan al-Mustadi Ibn Yusuf al-Mustanjid (1142 - 1180) (Arabic: المستضئ بأمر الله) was the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad from 1170 to 1180. Like his predecessor, he continued to occupy a more or less independent position, with a Vazir and courtly surroundings, and supported by only a small force sufficient for an occasional local campaign. During his reign Saladin ended the Fatimid caliphate, became the sultan of Egypt and declared his allegiance to the Abbasids. The famous chronicler Ibn Abu-al-Faraj ibn Al-Jawzi wrote that he reduced the taxes, was very fair with his subjects and built many mosques, schools and ribats.[citation needed] In 1180 caliph Al-Mustadi died and was succeeded by his son Ahmed (an-Nasir).
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♂ Гюндюз Альп Ертогрулів син Osman [
А данный гаплотип принадлежил человеку, чья родословная относиться к роду Амуджа. "Амуджа" называли прямых потомков Ертугърул Гази, отца родоначальника Османской династии Османа Гази, от старшего брата Османа Гази Гюндюз Альпа.
Сам Эртугърул Гази является сыном Сюлейман Шаха, который утонул после битвы с Моголами. Все они относятся к роду Кайы, который восходит по родословной к Огъуз хану, наряду с другими его отвевлениями.
Родословная Амуджей подтверждилось ряда источниками как Византийским историком Halkondil-ом, так и османскими источниками: Enveri'nin D?sturnamesi ve Tavki’i Mehmet Pa?a'n?n Tarihi и недавно вскрытым источником родословной "Osman bin Ertu?rul bin G?nd?z Alp".
У Эртугърул Гази было три сына: Сары Бату Савджи бей, Гюдюз Альп и Гази Осман.
При переселении на балканы потомки Гюндюз Альпа (Амуджа) сначала создают селение под название Гюндюзлер (гюндюзцы). Кого бы не спрашивали из потомков рода Амуджа: "Вы из какого рода", они отвечали "Мы из Амуджей, рода Эртугърул Гази".
Например, еще интересный момент, когда одна из груп рода Амуджа после 93ей войны (имеется ввиду 19 век.) переселились в Балыкесир, создав селение Эртугърул. Когда гос. работник пришел вносить в реестр селение, он спросить сельчан: "Какое вы хотите дать название селению?", они ответили "Наш предок Эртугърул Гази, поэтому селение запишите как Эртугърул". Еще одно селение рода Амуджа это селение Кыхылджыкдере, района Кыркларели, которое изначально носило название Эртугърул, но после становление республики было переименовано.
В итоге, Амуджалары (рода Амуджа) являются прямыми потомками Гюндюз Бея,
сына Эртугърул Гази,
сына Гюндюз Альпа (который известен еще под именем Сюлейман Шах),
сына Гёк Альпа,
сына Саркук Альпа,
сына Кайы Хана,
сына Гюн Хана,
сына Огъуз Кагана.
Еще один факт, до переселение рода Амуджа в Тракью их предыдущее поселение Биледжик-Сёгъют.
Ныне здравствующие потомки (эмирзаде) рода Амуджа:
Hayattaki Amuca Kabilesi Emirz?deleri, Do?um Tarihleri:
Эмирзаде Юксел Сармашык (1963 - 1985)
Эмирзаде Йюджел Салих Сармашык (1970)
Эмирзаде Зафер Сармашык (1977)
Эмирзаде Джан Тимур Сармашык (1978)
Эмирзаде Керем Сармашык (2006)
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♂ Сари Бату Савджи Ертогрулів син Ертогрулов [