Margaret Walker c. 2 Mezheven 1555

Ur pennad tennet eus Rodovid BR, ar c'helc'hgeriadur digor.

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Lignez Walker
Reizh benel
Anv a-bezh d'ar c'hanedigezh Margaret Walker

John Walker [Walker]

Kathren Bicknill [Bicknill]



2 Mezheven 1555 kristenadur: Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England


  1. Smith, W.L. Rev. B.A. - "The Parish of Southam". London, 1894, p. 2 marriages
  2. Smith, W.L. Rev. B.A. - "The Parish of Southam". London, 1894, p. 3 baptism

Eus an dud-kozh d'ar vugale-vihan

John Walker
ganedigezh: England
eured: Kathren Bicknill , Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Kathren Bicknill
ganedigezh: England
eured: John Walker , Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
== 2 ==
Augustine Wallkar
eured: Mary
badeziant: 22 C'hwevrer 1564, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
eured: Mary Stringer (Wallkar) , Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
testamant: 19 Ebrel 1613, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
douaridigezh: 18 Eost 1614, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
John Walker
douaridigezh: 6 C'hwevrer 1556, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Michael Walker
kristenadur: 7 Gwengolo 1557, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
William Walker
kristenadur: 13 Here 1562, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Henrie Walker
ganedigezh: 18 Gwengolo 1565, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Miles Walker
douaridigezh: 2 Gwengolo 1568, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Anne Walker
kristenadur: 8 Meurzh 1568, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
John Walker
kristenadur: 4 Gouere 1574, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Margaret Walker
kristenadur: 2 Mezheven 1555, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
== 2 ==

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