Mary Lee Fitzhugh g. 1788 a. a. 1853

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Anv a-bezh d'ar c'hanedigezh Mary Lee Fitzhugh
Wiki-pajenn wikipedia:de:Mary Lee Fitzhugh Custis


1788 ganedigezh:

eured: w George Washington Parke Custis [Custis] g. 30 Ebrel 1781 a. a. 10 Here 1857

1 Here 1808 bugel: Mary Anne Randolph Custis (Lee) [Custis] g. 1 Here 1808 a. a. 5 Du 1873

1853 marvidigezh:

Eus an dud-kozh d'ar vugale-vihan

== 1 ==
George Washington Parke Custis
ganedigezh: 30 Ebrel 1781
eured: w Mary Lee Fitzhugh
marvidigezh: 10 Here 1857
Mary Lee Fitzhugh
ganedigezh: 1788
eured: George Washington Parke Custis
marvidigezh: 1853
== 1 ==
Robert Edward Lee
ganedigezh: 19 Genver 1807, Westmoreland County (Virginia), USA
desaverezh: 1825 - 1829, U.S. Military Academy, West Point (New York), USA
servij milourel: 1829 - 1861, Unites States Army Corps of Engineers, 1829-1851; Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy, 1852-1855; commander US Second Cavalry Regiment, 1855-1861
eured: Mary Anne Randolph Custis (Lee) , Arlington House
servij milourel: 1861 - 1865, Commander, Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865; general-in-chief of Confederate forces, 1865.
micher: 1865 - 1870, President of Washington College, Lexington, Virginia
marvidigezh: 12 Here 1870
Mary Anne Randolph Custis (Lee)
ganedigezh: 1 Here 1808
eured: Robert Edward Lee , Arlington House
marvidigezh: 5 Du 1873
George Washington Custis Lee
ganedigezh: 16 Gwengolo 1832, Fort Monroe National Monument, VA, USA
marvidigezh: 18 C'hwevrer 1913, Ravensworth, VA, USA
William Henry Fitzhugh Lee
ganedigezh: 31 Mae 1837, Arlington House, VA, USA
marvidigezh: 11 Here 1891, Alexandria (Virginia), VA, USA

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