Charles Cospatrick Archibald Douglas-Home g. 29 Kerzu 1873 a. a. 11 Gouere 1951

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Lignez Douglas-Home
Reizh gourel
Anv a-bezh d'ar c'hanedigezh Charles Cospatrick Archibald Douglas-Home

w Charles Alexander Douglas-Home [Douglas-Home] g. 11 Ebrel 1834 a. a. 30 Ebrel 1918

Wiki-pajenn wikipedia:en:Charles Douglas-Home, 13th Earl of Home


29 Kerzu 1873 ganedigezh:

2 Gouere 1903 bugel: Mayfair (London), England, Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home [Douglas-Home] g. 2 Gouere 1903 a. a. 5 Here 1995

3 Mezheven 1912 bugel: Edinburgh (Scotland), w William Douglas-Home [Douglas-Home] g. 3 Mezheven 1912 a. a. 28 Gwengolo 1992

11 Gouere 1951 marvidigezh:


13th Earl of Home

Eus an dud-kozh d'ar vugale-vihan

Charles Alexander Douglas-Home
ganedigezh: 11 Ebrel 1834
marvidigezh: 30 Ebrel 1918
== 2 ==
Lillian Lambton (Douglas-Home)
ganedigezh: 8 Kerzu 1881
marvidigezh: 26 Gwengolo 1966
Charles Cospatrick Archibald Douglas-Home
ganedigezh: 29 Kerzu 1873
marvidigezh: 11 Gouere 1951
== 2 ==
Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home
ganedigezh: 2 Gouere 1903, Mayfair (London), England
titl: 1951 - 1963, Earl of Home, 14th
titl: 29 Meurzh 1957 - 27 Gouere 1960, Leader of the House of Lords
titl: 14 Here 1959 - 27 Gouere 1960, Lord President of the Council
titl: 20 Here 1963 - 16 Here 1964, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
titl: 20 Mezheven 1970 - 4 Meurzh 1974, Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom
marvidigezh: 5 Here 1995, Coldstream (Scotland)
William Douglas-Home
ganedigezh: 3 Mezheven 1912, Edinburgh (Scotland)
marvidigezh: 28 Gwengolo 1992, Winchester (England)

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