Elizabeth Sandes (of Threwleye) a. a. 11 Du 1584 ≤ ? ≤ 6 Mezheven 1585

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Anv a-bezh d'ar c'hanedigezh Elizabeth Sandes
Anvioù-tiegezh all of Threwleye

Anthony Sandes (of Threwley, Kent) [Sandys]



bugel: Anne Barkeley [Barkeley]

bugel: John Barkeley (Yeoman of Wanstrowe) [Berkeley]

bugel: Robert Berkeley [Berkeley]

bugel: Edward Berkeley [Berkeley]

11 Du 1584 ≤ ? ≤ 6 Mezheven 1585 marvidigezh: Middlesex (England), Clarktonwell


Patrom:Place name error

Will of Maurice Barkeley

MORRYS BARKELEY of Bruton in Summerset, Knight. Will IO February 1579-80; proved i6 November I158I. To wvieffe Elizabeth Barkeley, daughter of Anthony Sandes of Threwleye, Kente, Esqiiier, for Dower All my Mannor house of Bruton where I dwell withe the Desmesnes commonlie knowen to be parte and parcell within fortie yeares with stocke of Cattell uppon the same and on departinge this life viz: 26 kine, i6 plough oxen, and 300 sheepe with her apparrells, jewells, and ?ioo also in Personages of Bruton, Bruham, Redlinche, Pitcombe, Colle, and Wike. Furder to my saide wieffe all furniture in the chamber at the toppe of the house called the gallerie chamber as well hanginges, beddes, bedstede, testers with A pallette and canopye and three pallettes in the gallerie, as the bedde in the little case, and Also to wieffe half of linnen and Vessells in the kitchene, as well pewter as brasse. Furder to wief her Coche with the two horses and a good geldinge.

Elizabeth Barkeley's Will

DAME ELIZABETH BARKELEY, of Clarktonwell, County of Middlesex, Widowe, late wyff of Sr. Morris Barkley of Bruton, countie Somersett, Knight. Will ii November 1584; proved 6 June I585. To poore of parish where buried ?20. To poore of town of Bruton, Somerset sheire, ?io to be discharged by chiefe Governor of the Towne and the ?20 by my two brothers or one of them. To I2 poore men I2 black gowns and to 24 poore women 24 ditto to be nominated by said two brothers so many as nominated by mee. To my daughter Margaret 3 Coffres or Chestes one called my Jewells Coffre one other with a black lether cover and the thirde a cipress coffer with Jewells, plate, money, lynnen, silke, etc and these without prisement or looking into by any otlher, charging her if any writinges there which concern her brothers lands to deliver them, etc. To servants a years wages except Rachaell my mayd and to her ?5. Also to her Jewells to be delivered by two brothers to value of ?ioo and ?40 to buy her wedding apparell at marriage. To my two brothers Mr. Thomas Sondes and Mr. Michaell Sondes my two best ringes, they to see me buried, and bestow on my burial 200 markes over somes alreadv appointed, and two brothers, executors, to pay debts, etc., and remainder to my son Robert. To my nephew Cheyney and his wief fetherbed, etc., I had of my brother by my Father's bequeth. No witnesses. Brudenell, 33.

Referred to as Mother in Law (aka Step Mother) in the will of her stepson Henry Barckley.


  1. Virginia Gleanings in England The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography , Vol. 18, No. 4 (Oct., 1910), pp. 435-443 -

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