Richard Hampton g. 1688 a. a. 12 Kerzu 1766

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Anv a-bezh d'ar c'hanedigezh Richard Hampton

John Hampton, Sr. [Hampton] g. 1650 a. a. 10 Du 1718

Mary Ann Mann (Hampton) [Mann] g. 1655? a. a. 1690?


1688 ganedigezh: Hampfield, Gloucester County, Colony of Virginia

1715? eured: Alice ? (Hampton) [?]

1717? eured: Martha ? (Hampton) [?] g. 1690? a. a. 1766?

1733? bugel: Chesterfield County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia, Sarah Hampton [Hampton] g. 1733? a. a. 1781?

1735 bugel: Colony of Virginia, Richard Hampton, Jr. [Hampton] g. 1735 a. a. 25 Kerzu 1801

1740? bugel: Colony of Virginia, Martha Hampton [Hampton] g. 1740? a. a. < 1830

1740? bugel: Bermuda Hundred (Virginia), Henrico County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia, William Hampton [Hampton] g. 1740? a. a. 10 C'hwevrer 1805

1742? bugel: Colony of Virginia, Elizabeth Hampton (Slaughter) [Hampton] g. 1742? a. a. < 1832

1746 annez: Prince William County (Virginia), Virginia Colony, 375-acre plantation in the Goose Creek area of Hamilton Parish, Prince William County ‎(present Farquier County.

12 Kerzu 1766 marvidigezh: Fauquier County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia


Patrom:Place name error Patrom:Needsources

Richard Hampton was probably the youngest son of Capt John Hampton and Mary Mann. He was born in Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co., VA about 1688. He would have been a young boy when his father moved to King William Co., VA. Richard bought land from John Thomas in February 1738 and continued to live in Caroline Co, VA as an adult. He was a substantial citizen and performed the normal duties expected at the time. He served several times as a juryman and also was a road surveyor. He provided a bond for Joseph Neville to obtain a license to keep an ordinary and also to Hannah Harrison as the executrix of her husband's estate. Later, it is said, Richard settled in the Goose Creek area of Prince William County ‎(later Fauquier Co., VA)‎. he bought a 375 acre plantation there in December 1745 and sold his plantation in Caroline Co in 1746 to Francis James. Alice ‎(the wife of Richard Hampton)‎ acknowledged the deed. Richard married twice: 1) to Alice and 2) at the time of his death, he named Martha in his will which was recorded in Fauquier Co., VA Dec. 22, 1766. He had five children and named in his will: Elizabeth, Sarah, Martha, William and Richard. He left his home plantation to his wife Martha and legacies to his children.

Eus an dud-kozh d'ar vugale-vihan

William Hampton, Jr.
ganedigezh: 1615?, England
marvidigezh: 1683 ≤ ? ≤ 1697, Gloucester County (Virginia), Virginia Colony
Elizabeth Hampton
ganedigezh: < 1621
Grace Hampton
ganedigezh: < 1621
Thomas Hampton II
ganedigezh: 16 Ebrel 1623, Elizabeth City County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
urzhidigezh: Rev.
eured: Elizabeth Bridel (Hampton)
marvidigezh: >12 Here 1690, Jamestown (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
Elizabeth Bridel (Hampton)
ganedigezh: 1625?, Colony of Virginia
eured: Thomas Hampton II
marvidigezh: 1703, Colony of Virginia
John Mann (Manjie)
ganedigezh: 2 Ebrel 1620, Timberneck, Gloucester County, Colony of Virginia
eured: Frances Hopkins (Mann)
marvidigezh: 19 Mezheven 1673
Frances Hopkins (Mann)
ganedigezh: 28 Mae 1614, Yeovilton, Somerset (England)
eured: John Mann (Manjie)
marvidigezh: 26 C'hwevrer 1700, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), Bristol County (Massachusetts), Province of Massachusetts Bay
Thomas H. Hampton, Jr.
ganedigezh: 1654?, York, Colony of Virginia
eured: Elizabeth Bridle (Hampton)
marvidigezh: >28 Mezheven 1703, Isle of Wight, Colony of Virginia
Mary Hampton (Duke)
ganedigezh: 1652?, York, Colony of Virginia
eured: ? Duke
marvidigezh: > 1680
John Hampton, Sr.
ganedigezh: 1650, Colony of Virginia
servij milourel: 1670?, Gloucester County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
eured: Mary Ann Mann (Hampton) , Gloucester County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
marvidigezh: 10 Du 1718, King William (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
Mary Ann Mann (Hampton)
ganedigezh: 1655?, Wicomico (Virginia), Gloucester County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia, Timberneck
eured: John Hampton, Sr. , Gloucester County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
marvidigezh: 1690?, Gloucester County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
== 3 ==
Thomas Hampton II
ganedigezh: 8 Ebrel 1679, Gloucester County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia, Hampton (Virginia)
eured: Mary Buckner (Hampton)
marvidigezh: 8 Eost 1740, Caroline County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia, St. Margaret's Parish
Mary Hampton (Wade)
ganedigezh: 5 Mae 1681, Colony of Virginia, Hampfield, Gloucester County
eured: James Wade
marvidigezh: 1729, New Kent County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
John Hampton, Jr.
ganedigezh: 3 Mezheven 1683, Colony of Virginia, Hampfield, Gloucester County
eured: Margaret Wade (Hampton)
marvidigezh: 18 Genver 1747, Fairfax (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
William Hampton
ganedigezh: 9 Here 1685, Gloucester County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
eured: Martha Thornton Catlett (Hampton) , Gloucester County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
marvidigezh: 13 Meurzh 1750, Stafford (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
Joseph Hampton
ganedigezh: 1700?, King William (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
marvidigezh: 1739?, King William (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
Martha ? (Hampton)
ganedigezh: 1690?, Colony of Virginia
eured: Richard Hampton
marvidigezh: 1766?, Farquier, Colony of Virginia
Alice ? (Hampton)
eured: Richard Hampton
darvoud all: < 1717, Either died or divorced Richard Hampton.
Richard Hampton
ganedigezh: 1688, Hampfield, Gloucester County, Colony of Virginia
eured: Alice ? (Hampton)
eured: Martha ? (Hampton)
annez: 1746, Prince William County (Virginia), Virginia Colony, 375-acre plantation in the Goose Creek area of Hamilton Parish, Prince William County ‎(present Farquier County.
marvidigezh: 12 Kerzu 1766, Fauquier County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
== 3 ==
Sarah Hampton
ganedigezh: 1733?, Chesterfield County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
marvidigezh: 1781?, Bedford (Virginia), Bedford County (Virginia), USA, then called : Liberty
Susannah Neville (Hampton)
ganedigezh: 1754?, Fauquier County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
eured: Richard Hampton, Jr. , Caroline County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
marvidigezh: < 1789, Caroline County (Virginia), US
Richard Hampton, Jr.
ganedigezh: 1735, Colony of Virginia
servij milourel: 1754 ≤ ? ≤ 1763, Prince William County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia, French & Indian War
eured: Susannah Neville (Hampton) , Caroline County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
servij milourel: 1776 ≤ ? ≤ 1783, American Revolution
annez: 1777 - 1801, Aiken (South Carolina), US, Plantation near the Edgefield District, later known as Hampton Hill, near present city of Aiken.
marvidigezh: 25 Kerzu 1801, Edgefield (South Carolina), US
Martha Hampton
ganedigezh: 1740?, Colony of Virginia
marvidigezh: < 1830
Anne Minter (Hampton)
ganedigezh: 1739?, Fauquier County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
eured: William Hampton
marvidigezh: 1775?, Fauquier County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
William Hampton
ganedigezh: 1740?, Bermuda Hundred (Virginia), Henrico County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
servij milourel: 1754 ≤ ? ≤ 1763, French & Indian War
eured: Anne Minter (Hampton)
servij milourel: 1776 ≤ ? ≤ 1783, American Revolution
marvidigezh: 10 C'hwevrer 1805, Stateburg (South Carolina), Sumter County (South Carolina), US
James Slaughter
ganedigezh: > 1743
eured: Elizabeth Hampton (Slaughter)
marvidigezh: 1833, Logan, Kentucky, US
Elizabeth Hampton (Slaughter)
ganedigezh: 1742?, Colony of Virginia
eured: James Slaughter
marvidigezh: < 1832
Richard Hampton
ganedigezh: 1766?, Fauquier County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
marvidigezh: 1803
Elizabeth Hampton
ganedigezh: South Carolina Colony
marvidigezh: 1819, Ariel, Amite County, Mississippi, US
Rebecca Hampton
ganedigezh: 1760, Edgefield District (South Carolina Colony)
marvidigezh: 1829?, Pike County (Alabama), US
Gale Hampton
ganedigezh: 1762?, Fauquier County (Virginia), Colony of Virginia
marvidigezh: 16 Gouere 1812, Richland County (South Carolina), US
Charlotte Hampton
ganedigezh: 1783, MIddlesex County (Virginia), US
marvidigezh: 1872?
Richard Hampton
ganedigezh: 1786, Edgefield County (South Carolina), US
marvidigezh: 4 Mae 1840, Edgefield (South Carolina), US
Joanna Hampton
ganedigezh: 1787

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