William Northup g. 8 Kerzu 1732 a. a. 21 Mae 1827

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Lignez Northup
Reizh gourel
Anv a-bezh d'ar c'hanedigezh William Northup

Nicholas Northup [Northup] g. 20 Genver 1690

Eldred Freelove (Northup) [Freelove] g. 29 Meurzh 1701


8 Kerzu 1732 ganedigezh: South Kingstown (Rhode Island), Colony of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations

1777 - 1779 servij milourel: Rhode Island, US, American Revolution

21 Mae 1827 marvidigezh: Newport (New York), Herkimer County (New York), US


Note: WILLIAM NORTHUP served as a drummer during the Revolutionary War in Capt. Benjamin West's Co. from Jan 6 to Feb 1777, his wages per month being 2 pounds, 4 shillings and a bounty of 6 pounds. He was in Capt. Benjamin West's Co., Col. Joshua Stanton's Regt. at Tiverton during Sep 1777, receiving wages of 2 ponds and 4 shillings. He served in Capt. Cole's Co. in Col. Dyer's Regt. from Dec 26, 1777 to Jan 19, 1778, receiving 1 pound and 12 shillings as wages. He served as Drum Major for the First RI State Regt. of Foot in Col. Archibald Crary's Regt. Sep 16 to Oct 16, 1778, receiving pay of 2 pounds and 14 shillings, and he was in the same Regt. from Feb 16 to Mar 16, 1779, receiving pay of 2 pounds and 14 shillings. In Capt. Benjamin West's Co. in Col. William Barton's Regt. as Drummer, Dec 1, 1777 to Mar 16, 1778, receiving wages of 7 pounds and 14 shillings. ‎‎[Ltr signed by Sec of State of RI, on May 6, 1909]‎‎

Sources: VI of RI by Arnold, v. 4, p. 11; Rev. War pension; DAR Oneida Chap. p. 133.

Eus an dud-kozh d'ar vugale-vihan

== 2 ==
Daniel Northup
ganedigezh: 21 Mezheven 1738, North Kingstown (Rhode Island), Colony of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations
servij milourel: 1777 - 1779, Rhode Island, USA, American Revolution
eured: Anna Hampton (Collins, Northup)
annez: 1803, Marietta (Ohio), Washington County (Ohio), US
marvidigezh: 10 Du 1811, Gallia County (Ohio), USA
douaridigezh: Gallia County (Ohio), USA, Nothup Cemetery
William Northup
ganedigezh: 8 Kerzu 1732, South Kingstown (Rhode Island), Colony of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations
servij milourel: 1777 - 1779, Rhode Island, US, American Revolution
marvidigezh: 21 Mae 1827, Newport (New York), Herkimer County (New York), US
== 2 ==

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