Finnghuala de Aeongus ? (Aeongus) - Taolenn an diskennidi

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Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
11/1 <?> Finnghuala de Aeongus ? (Aeongus) [?]


21/2 <1+?> Grouch MacLulach [Loarn]


41/3 <2+?> Malcolm Macbeth (Mackbeth) [Macbeth]
titl: 1157 ≤ ? ≤ 1168, Earl of Ross
marvidigezh: 23 Here 1168

In c. 1130, both Malcolm MacHeth (MacEth) and Earl Angus rebelled against King DavidPatrom:Ref! I when he imposed new feudal laws upon the Moraymen's pre-existing ancient kingdom. In the rebellion that followed, Earl Angus was defeatedPatrom:Ref! and slain but Malcolm MacHeth (MacEth) escaped to the isles where he was protected by Somerled, Lord of the Isles. There, Malcolm MacHeth (MacEth), married Lord Somerled's sister, who gave birth to Donald and Gormiath (Blue eyes) MacHeth (MacEth), c. 1130. While scholars believe that Gormiath MacHeth (MacEth) married Harold Maddadarson, Norse Earl of Orkney and Caithness.

The Mackaymen's rebellion continued without interruption from c. 1130 to c. 1134, until Malcolm MacHeth (MacEth) was captured and imprisioned by King David IPatrom:Ref!, at the Roxburgh Castle. Twenty-two years later, his son, Donald MacHeth (MacEth), was capturedPatrom:Ref! in a similar Mackaymen's rebellion hence imprisoned along with his father at the Roxburgh Castle, c. 1156. One year later, Malcolm MacHeth (MacEth) was released from the Roxburgh Castle prison by Malcolm IV and given the title of First Earl of Ross, c. 1157.

This title was later rescinded as punishmentPatrom:Ref! due to the Morymen's rebellious disloyalty to King David I. Then, Malcolm IV: (1) banished the ancestors of the Mackay's from their ancestral home, and (2) gave the Mackay's ancient land to Normans and Saxons who were loyal to the Crown. Here, the Mackay's men, women, and children fled north, while others escaped into Argyll, Islay, and Galloway. Note, according to Scots Peerage c. 1910, the first of the MacEths to settle in the Strathnaver region was Iye MacEth, Chamberlain to Walter de Baltrodi, Bishop of Caithness. This Iye (Aodh) Walter de Baltrodi produced a daughter, Conchar.
32/3 <2+?> w Angus MacHeth [Macbeth]
53/3 <2+?> Gruaidh MacAedh (MacHugh, Mackay) [Macbeth]


71/4 <3> Guillemichael MacDuff [MacDuff]
marvidigezh: 1136
82/4 <4+?> Angus Macrory (MacKay) [MacRoy]
ganedigezh: 1145, Morven, Scotland
marvidigezh: 1210, Bute, Strathclyde, Scotland
63/4 <4+?> Gormflaeth MacEth [Macbeth]
Source: Garland Elizabeth Corse DeCourcy's database HenryEckardsAncestry2803654.ged
Date of Import: Apr 21, 2005
94/4 <4+?> Donald MacHeth [Macbeth]


111/5 <8> Seamus (James) Macrory [MacRoy]
ganedigezh: 1190, Bute, Scotland
marvidigezh: 1210, Bute, Men Skye, Strathclyde, Scotland
122/5 <9> Kenneth MacEth [Macbeth]
marvidigezh: 1215
103/5 <7> Duncan MacDuff [MacDuff]
134/5 <6+2> Thorfinn Haraldsson (Maddadsson, Macmaddad) [Madison]
145/5 <6+2> David Haroldsson (Maddadsson, Macmaddad) [Madison]
156/5 <6+2> John Haraldsson (maddadsson, macmaddad) [Madison]
167/5 <6+2> Gunnhild Haraldsdotter (Macmaddad) [Madison]
178/5 <6+2> Herberg Haraldsdotter (Macmaddad) [Madison]
189/5 <6+2> Ψ Langleiv ? (Langley) [Madison]


191/6 <10> Duncan II MacDuff [MacDuff]
marvidigezh: 1204
202/6 <11+?> Jean Macroy (Mackay, MacRay, MaCray) [MacRoy]
ganedigezh: < 1218, Rothesay (Bute), Scotland
eured: <3> Maurice McRaith (Dalcassian, DalgCais) [MacRath]
marvidigezh: 1250, Dundonald (South Ayrshire), Scotland


231/7 <20+3> Jean (Giolla) MacRaeth [Macrorie]
ganedigezh: 1224, Le Palais, Bretagne, Bruté
eured: <4> w Александр Стюарт [Стюарты] g. 1220? a. a. 1282
marvidigezh: 1250, Dundonald (South Ayrshire), Schottland, Dundonald Castle
212/7 <19+?> Shaw Mor MacDuff [MacDuff]
223/7 <20+3> Alister MacRaeth [MacRath]


241/8 <21> Shaw MacDuff [MacDuff]
ganedigezh: 1157
marvidigezh: 1210
252/8 <23+4> w James Stewart (5. High Steward of Scotland) [Stewart]
ganedigezh: 1243, Renfrew, Schottland
titl: 1283 - 1309, High Steward of Scotland
eured: <5> Edgina de Burgh [Burgh] g. 1245
marvidigezh: 16 Gouere 1309
263/8 <22> Maurice MacRath [MacRath]
ganedigezh: 1280, Ulster, Ireland
divroerezh: 1310, It is likely that Maurice arrived in Scotland around the year 1310 at about the age of 30.
marvidigezh: 1350, Cromarty, Cromartyshire, Scotland
284/8 <23+4> Elizabeth Stewart [Stewart]
niver a euredoù: 1-я жена Уильяма
eured: <6> (Sir) William Le Hardi (Lord Douglas) [Douglas] g. < 1256 a. a. 9 Du 1298
marvidigezh: 1289
275/8 <23+4> (Sir) John Stewart (de Bonkyl) [Stuart]
marvidigezh: 1298, Falkirk, Scotland
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