Sisebuto - Taolenn an diskennidi
Ur pennad tennet eus Rodovid BR, ar c'helc'hgeriadur digor.
titl: Ebrel 612 ≤ ? ≤ C'hwevrer 621, Hispania, Rey de los visigodos
31/2 <1> ♂ Teudila [Visigodo]eured: <2> ♂ Swinþa Balthes [Balthes] g. > 594 a. a. 633
_EXCM: 5 Kerzu 633, Toledo, Hispania
marvidigezh: 621, Hispania
51/3 <4> ♀ Leuvigotha [Visigodo]marvidigezh: 631
marvidigezh: 12 Meurzh 636
91/4 <8+3> ♀ Сихильо Ардабаст [Ардабасты]eured: <4> ♂ Эгикус Эгилтанский (Гот) [Эгилтанские] g. 610? a. a. 702
131/5 <9+4> ♂ Sisebert (Sisebut) [?]eured: <5> ♀ Eloalli Bitular Pires de Galiza [Galiza] g. 682 a. a. 734
titl: 702 - 710, Rey de los visigodos
marvidigezh: 710
Witiza I - по
According to the Rotensis version of the Chronicle of Alfonso III, Wittiza had three sons: Olmund, Romulus, and Ardabast (Artabasdus), who became count of the Christians of Coimbra.[25] Olmund is a Gothic name, Romulus is Roman, and Ardabast is Greek (originally Armenian).
Two additional sons are mentionedPatrom:Ref!. Evan and Siseburto, were banished or escaped to Tangier in Africa.
Note that some of these "sons" may actually have been sons in law as records of the time did not distinguish the difference.
(Согласно версии Ротензиса в Хрониках Альфонсо III, у Виттизы было три сына: Ольмунд, Ромул и Ардабаст (Артабасд), который стал графом христиан Коимбры [25]. Ольмунд - готское имя, Ромул - римлянин, а Ардабаст - греческое (изначально армянское).
Упоминаются еще два сына Patrom:Ref!. Эван и Сисебурто были изгнаны или сбежали в Танжер в Африке.
Обратите внимание, что некоторые из этих «сыновей» на самом деле могли быть зятьями, поскольку записи того времени не заметили разницы.)
Patrom:NeedsourcesPage numbers?marvidigezh: 712
eured: <7> ♂ Rodrigo [Visigodo]
marvidigezh: 718, Tolède
181/6 <11+5> ♀ Teresa Hija de Fávila [Fávila] 142/6 <11+5> ♂ Agila II [Egiltaina]titl: 711 - 716
marvidigezh: 716
marvidigezh: 734
marvidigezh: 737
eured: <11> ♂ Язид III ибн аль Валид ? (Омейяды) [-] g. 705 a. a. 4 Here 744
marvidigezh: 756?
The city was reconquered by Ferdinand I of León in 1064. After being reconquered by the Christians, Coimbra became the capital of a new County (County of Coimbra), governed by the Mozarab Sesnando (Sisnando Davides), later incorporated into the County of Portugal.
The Christians of this area are descendants of the Monophysite Christians whose eastern relatives are founders of the Syrian Christian (Jacobite) Church. These Christians are the first known Unitarians who while professing Christianity were non- trinitarian, and allied to the Arian Visigoths. There is strong evidence that these Christians [due to their view of the trinity] were welcomed as fellows my the invading Muslims.
361/7 <27+9> ♂ Conde Flávio Atáulfo de Coimbra [Coimbra]eured: <13> ♀ Ildoara Atauldo Sueira de Coimbra [Coimbra] g. 700 ≤ ? ≤ 717
marvidigezh: 770?
461/8 <35+15> ♂ Arias Núñez [Núñez]eured: <18> Ψ ещё 2 Жены [?]
eured: <19> ♀ Assona Iñiguez [Íñiga] g. > 790
marvidigezh: 26 Gwengolo 862
Musa was the maternal half-brother of Inigo Arista
Musa II, maintained his independence against both Franks and Arabs. Independence apart, the Beni-Kasim had no definite policy; they fought against the Count of Barcelona, against the Christians of Castile and the Arabs of Córdoba, and their alliances were as varied as their hostilities; they lent support to the renegades of Toledo, Muslim subjects of Visigothic origin, who forced the Emir of Córdoba to recognize their independence in 873, under payment of an annual tribute. Musa styled himself "the third King of Spain," and was respected or feared by all his neighbours: Charles the Bald was willing to send him presents. On his death in 862, the Emir of Córdoba overpowered this kingdom, but was soon driven out by the Beni-Kasim in alliance with Alfonso III of Leon, who had even entrusted them with the education of his son Ordoño.titl: Conde de Coimbra
eured: <20> ♀ Flávia Teodia Atenerico [Atenerico]
marvidigezh: 850
marvidigezh: 799, Pampelune