Charles Richard John Spencer-Churchill g. 13 Du 1871 a. a. 30 Mezheven 1934 - Taolenn an diskennidi

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Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
11/1 <?+?> Charles Richard John Spencer-Churchill [Spencer-Churchill]
ganedigezh: 13 Du 1871, Woodstock (Oxfordshire), England, Blenheim Palace
eured: <1> w Gladys Marie Deacon [Deacon]
eured: <2> Consuelo Vanderbilt [Vanderbilt] g. 2 Meurzh 1876 a. a. 6 Kerzu 1964, New York City, St. Thomas Church, 5Th Ave
darvoud all: <2!> Consuelo Vanderbilt [Vanderbilt] g. 2 Meurzh 1876 a. a. 6 Kerzu 1964, Staten Island, Alt Marriage
torr-dimeziñ: <2!> Consuelo Vanderbilt [Vanderbilt] g. 2 Meurzh 1876 a. a. 6 Kerzu 1964
marvidigezh: 30 Mezheven 1934, London, England, Woodstock Hotel
douaridigezh: Gouere 1934, Woodstock (Oxfordshire), England, Blenheim Palace Chapel
9th Duke of Marlborough

If you find verifiable errors, please let me know. I welcome all additions, particularly Sharrow/Charron surnames in the Detroit River area of Michigan/Ontario which will link to relatives in the tree (please be sure that your information includes full names, place names, and dates of birth, marriage, and death -- more information, such as residences and occupations are greatly appreciated)

Digitized photos of ancestors, biographies, land records, wills and probate records are also wanted.

Please do not send files with sanitized records -- that is, names like: LIVING SURNAME with no first names, dates or locations. These are not useful genealogical records!

Please refer to: for a listing of families I'm researching and interested in.

If you use this data, please include Source Attribution (i.e., don't swipe the info without giving credit - I'm trying to build the primary Sharrow/Charron database - can't do that if folks don't know who to contact)

Send CHARRON/SHARROW information or queries to

Maison de Sercey Nydeggen
Nydeggen, Paul Eldredge Smith, June 2006
Gandalf's Genealogy Group
Gandalf's Genealogy Group, Buchroeder, David <>, buchroeder.ged
Winks/Hubbell Family Tree
2582880.ged, Winks, Donald <>, 2582880.ged

Imported 13 Mar 2005
Park, 2311186.fdb


21/2 <1+2> John Spencer-Churchill [Spencer-Churchill]
ganedigezh: 18 Gwengolo 1897
titl: 10th Duke Marlborough
darvoud all: Also known as John Albert William Spencer-Churchill
eured: <3> w Frances Laura Charteris [Charteris] g. 10 Eost 1915 a. a. 19 C'hwevrer 1990
eured: <4> Alexandra Mary Hilda Cadogan [Cadogan] g. 22 C'hwevrer 1900 a. a. 23 Mae 1961
marvidigezh: 11 Meurzh 1972
the tenth Duke of Marlborough, on a visit to one of his daughter's homes, announced in consternation from the top of the stairs that his toothbrush wasn't foaming properly. It turned out that his valet had always put toothpaste on his brush for him, and as a consequence the duke was unaware that dental implements didn't foam up spontaneously. Quote from "Notes from a small Island" By Bill Bryson
32/2 <1+2> w Ivor Spencer-Churchill [Spencer-Churchill]


61/3 <2+4> Sarah Consuelo Spencer-Churchill [Spencer-Churchill]
ganedigezh: 1921
eured: <6> w Edwin Fairman Russell [Russell] g. 15 Gouere 1914 a. a. 22 Kerzu 2001
marvidigezh: 2000
42/3 <2+4> John Spencer-Churchill [Spencer-Churchill]
ganedigezh: 13 Ebrel 1926
titl: 11th Duke Marlborough
eured: <7> Susan Mary Hornby [Hornby] g. 19 Here 1929 a. a. 27 Genver 2005
torr-dimeziñ: <7!> Susan Mary Hornby [Hornby] g. 19 Here 1929 a. a. 27 Genver 2005
eured: <8> Athina Mary Livanos [Livanos] g. 19 Meurzh 1926 a. a. 10 Here 1974
torr-dimeziñ: <8!> Athina Mary Livanos [Livanos] g. 19 Meurzh 1926 a. a. 10 Here 1974
eured: <9> Dagmar Rosita Astri Libertas Douglas [Douglas] g. 26 Gwengolo 1943, Charlbury
torr-dimeziñ: <9!> Dagmar Rosita Astri Libertas Douglas [Douglas] g. 26 Gwengolo 1943
marvidigezh: 16 Here 2014
53/3 <3+5> Robert William Charles Spencer-Churchill [Spencer-Churchill]


81/4 <6+6> Serena Mary Churchill Russell [Russell]
ganedigezh: 1944
eured: <10> Michael Santangelo [Santangelo]
eured: <11> w Neil Roxburgh Balfour [Balfour] g. 12 Eost 1944
72/4 <4+7> Charles James Spencer-Churchill (12th Duke of Marlborough) [Spencer-Churchill]
ganedigezh: 24 Du 1955


91/5 <8+11> Consuelo Lily Balfour [Balfour]
ganedigezh: 1979
102/5 <8+11> Alastair Albert David Balfour [Balfour]
ganedigezh: 1981
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