Margaret Stanley g. 1473 - Taolenn an diskennidi

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Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
11/1 <?+?> Margaret Stanley [Stanley]
ganedigezh: 1473, Knowsley Hall, England
REFN: HWS45415

Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XHZ-84

"FamilySearch® Ancestral File™ v4.19"
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3 Feb 2001
"Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Larson, Kirk, Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Descendants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library


21/2 <1+?> Jane Radcliffe [Radcliffe]
ganedigezh: 1533
marvidigezh: Gouere 1552


31/3 <2+?> Mary Browne [Browne]
ganedigezh: 22 Gouere 1552
marvidigezh: 4 Du 1607


41/4 <3+?> Henry Wriothesley [Wriothesley]
ganedigezh: 6 Here 1573, Midhurst, Sussex (England), Cowdray House
marvidigezh: 10 Du 1624
Henry Wriothesley, whose name is included in the 1605 panel of the New World Tapestry, took a considerable share in promoting the colonial enterprises of the time, and was an active member of the Virginia Company's governing council.

Alternate parents as claimed but uncorraborated

Note with regard to parentage. It is to be noted that the portrait of young Wriothesley more closely resembles his alleged parents than he does resemble his official parents. Furthermore in a dedication by Shakespeare, Henry is said to be the very image of his mother, lending some circumstantial credence to the rumor that he was the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth and Edward DeVere and only an adopted son of Mary Browne and Henry Wriothesley Senior.


61/5 <4+?> Penelope Wriothesley [Wriothesley]
ganedigezh: 8 Du 1598, Titchfield, England
marvidigezh: 16 Gouere 1667, Brighton (England), Sussex (England)
Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel, a German professor of English Literature, has recently speculated that Henry Wriothsley's wife, Elizabeth Vernon, was a mistress of Shakespeare and that the child she was carrying at the time of her marriage to Wriothsley was actually the child of William Shakespeare. However an extant portrait in miniature of the daughter of Elizabeth Vernon (painted between 1610 and 1615, probably 1614 the year before her marriage to William Spencer) so resembles her husband Henry Wriothsley that it would be highly improbable that she was fathered by William Shakespeare.
52/5 <4+?> Thomas Wriothesley (4. Earl of Southampton) [Wriothesley]
ganedigezh: 10 Meurzh 1607
eured: <1> Elizabeth Leigh [Leigh] , Frankreich, Charenton
marvidigezh: 16 Mae 1667, England
douaridigezh: 18 Mezheven 1667, Titchfield, Hampshire


111/6 <6+?> w Henry Spencer (1st Earl of Sunderland) [Spencer]
ganedigezh: 23 Du 1620
marvidigezh: 20 Gwengolo 1643
102/6 <6+?> Margaret Spencer [Spencer]
ganedigezh: 1627, Brington (Northamptonshire), England
marvidigezh: 1693, London, England
93/6 <6+?> Robert Spencer [Spencer]
ganedigezh: 1630
ganedigezh: 1678, Surrey County (Virginia)
84/6 <5+?> Rachel Wriothesley [Wriothesley]
ganedigezh: 19 Gwengolo 1637, Titchfield, Hampshire (England)
darvoud all: Robert Relationship, wife of the eighth cousin 8x removed (???)
eured: <2> William Russell [Russell] g. 29 Gwengolo 1639 a. a. 21 Gouere 1683
eured: <3> Francis Vaughan (of Carbery) [Vaughan] , Titchfield, Hampshire (England), License Faculty
marvidigezh: 29 Gwengolo 1723, Southamptonhouse, Bloomsbury
douaridigezh: 8 Here 1723, Chenies, Buckinghamshire, England
75/6 <5+?> Elizabeth Wriothesley (Countess of Northumberland) [Wriothesley]
ganedigezh: 1646?, Titchfield, Hampshire
eured: <4> Joceline Percy (11. Earl of Northumberland) [Percy] g. 4 Gouere 1644 a. a. 31 Mae 1670
eured: <5> Ralph Montagu [Montagu] g. 24 Kerzu 1638 a. a. 9 Meurzh 1709, Titchfield
marvidigezh: <19 Gwengolo 1690
Haren/Anderson and Brownlees of Torfoot/Wilcox to Charlemagne; KJB


181/7 <11> w Robert Spencer (2nd Earl of Sunderland) [Spencer]
ganedigezh: 5 Gwengolo 1641, Paris
eured: <6> w Anne Digby [Digby] a. a. 26 Ebrel 1715
marvidigezh: 28 Gwengolo 1702
162/7 <10+?> Penelope Ashley-Cooper [Ashley-Cooper]
ganedigezh: 1647, Barbados
marvidigezh: 1711, Virginia, St Peters, New Kent, Virginia
153/7 <9> Elizabeth Spencer [Spencer]
ganedigezh: 1664, Virginia, St. Georges Parish, Spotsylvania
eured: <7> John Long [Long] g. 1662, Caroline County (Virginia)
ganedigezh: 1764, Spottsylvania, Virgina
Patrom:Timeline error

Two birth dates? Patrom:Place name error Patrom:Place name error Patrom:Place name error Patrom:Place name error Mariage datas are not written in the right place. Please correct this error Patrom:Needsources Patrom:Controversial

Too many errors. Given source does not give any chance to correct this record
194/7 <7+4> Elizabeth Percy [Percy]
ganedigezh: 26 Genver 1667, Petworth House
eured: <8> Charles Seymour (6. Duke of Somerset) [Seymour] g. 13 Eost 1662 a. a. 2 Kerzu 1748, Montagu House (Whitehall)
marvidigezh: 24 Du 1722, Northumberland House
145/7 <8+2> Rachel Russell [Russell]
ganedigezh: Genver 1673, Westminster (England), St. Giles in the Fields
darvoud all: Robert Relationship, ninth cousin 7x removed (???)
eured: <9> Вільям Кевендіш [Кевендіші] g. 1673 a. a. 4 Mezheven 1729, Holborn, England
douaridigezh: 18 Genver 1725
marvidigezh: 28 Kerzu 1725
136/7 <8+2> Catherine Russell [Russell]
ganedigezh: 23 Eost 1676
eured: <10> John Manners (2nd Duke of Rutland) [Manners] g. 18 Gwengolo 1676 a. a. 22 C'hwevrer 1721
marvidigezh: 30 Here 1711, London, England, Southampton House, Bloomsbury
Patrom:Place name errorPatrom:NeedsourcesHaren/Anderson and Brownlees of Torfoot/Wilcox to Charlemagne; KJB
127/7 <8+2> Wriothesley Russell [Russell]
ganedigezh: 1 Du 1680, Westminster (England), London, St giles the fields
darvoud all: Robert Relationship, seventh cousin 9x removed (???)
eured: <11> Elizabeth Howland [Howland] g. 1682? a. a. 29 Gouere 1724
titl: 7 Gwengolo 1700 - 26 Mae 1711, Duke of Bedford, 2nd
marvidigezh: 26 Mae 1711
178/7 <7+5> John Montagu (2. Duke of Montagu) [Montagu]
ganedigezh: 1690
eured: <12> Mary Churchill (Montagu) [Churchill] g. 15 Gouere 1689 a. a. 14 Mae 1751
marvidigezh: 5 Gouere 1749
209/7 <7+5> Anne Montagu [Montagu]
eured: <13> w Alexandre Popham [Popham] a. a. 1705


211/8 <18+6> Charles Spencer [Spencer]
ganedigezh: 1675?
eured: <14> w Anne Churchill [Churchill] g. 27 C'hwevrer 1683 a. a. 15 Ebrel 1716
titl: 28 Gwengolo 1702 - 19 Ebrel 1722, Earl of Sunderland, 3rd
marvidigezh: 19 Ebrel 1722
282/8 <16+?> Thomas William Massie [Massey]
ganedigezh: 1675, Virginia, St Peters, New Kent, Virginia
marvidigezh: 1731, Goochland (Virginia)
263/8 <15+7> Mary Long [Long]
ganedigezh: 1680, England, (LDS says Orange County, Virginia)
niver a euredoù: 1698?, Marriage 1 William Hawkins b: ABT 1682 in England Marriage 2 John H. Hawkins b: 14 NOV 1680 in Great Milton, Surrey, England Married: ABT 1698 in Plymouth, England Children Nicholas Hawkins b: 1698 in Plymouth, England William Hawkins b: 1700 in
eured: <15> John Hawkins [Hawkins] g. 14 Du 1680 a. a. 7 Here 1740, Plymouth (Devon), England
marvidigezh: Virginia
334/8 <19+8> Algernon Seymour (7. Duke of Somerset) [Seymour]
ganedigezh: 11 Du 1684, Petworth House
marvidigezh: 7 C'hwevrer 1750, Iver
315/8 <13+10> John Manners (3rd Duke of Rutland) [Manners]
ganedigezh: 21 Here 1696, Grantham, Leicestershire, England
eured: <16> Bridget Sutton [Sutton] g. 30 Genver 1699 a. a. 16 Mezheven 1734
marvidigezh: 29 Mae 1779
226/8 <14+9> William Cavendish [Cavendish]
ganedigezh: 26 Gwengolo 1698, Bolsover (district), Hardwick Hall
eured: <17> Catherine Hoskins [Hoskins] g. 1700? a. a. 8 Mae 1777, Oxted, Surrey (England)
titl: 1729 - 1751, baron Cavendish de Hardwick
titl: 4 Mezheven 1729 - 5 Kerzu 1755, duc de Devonshire
marvidigezh: 5 Kerzu 1755, Bakewell (Royaume-Uni), Chatsworth, Derbyshire
douaridigezh: 5 Kerzu 1755, Derby (Royaume-Uni), All Saints' Parish
327/8 <12+11> Elizabeth Russell [Russell]
ganedigezh: 1704
eured: <18> William Capell (3rd Earl of Essex) [Capell] g. 28 Kerzu 1697 a. a. 8 Genver 1743
marvidigezh: 8 Mezheven 1784
238/8 <14+9> w Charles Cavendish [Cavendish]
ganedigezh: 17 Meurzh 1704
darvoud all: eighth cousin 8x removed Robert Relationship
marvidigezh: 28 Ebrel 1783
259/8 <12+11> w Wriothesley Russell [Russell]
ganedigezh: 25 Mae 1708
titl: 26 Mae 1711 - 23 Here 1732, Duke of Bedford, 3rd
marvidigezh: 23 Here 1732, A Coruña, Spain
douaridigezh: 14 Kerzu 1732, Chenies, Buckinghamshire, England
2410/8 <12+11> w John Russell [Russell]
ganedigezh: 30 Gwengolo 1710
titl: 23 Here 1732 - 5 Genver 1771, Duke of Bedford, 4th
eured: <19> Gertrude Leveson-Gower (Russell) [Leveson-Gower] g. 15 C'hwevrer 1714 a. a. 1 Gouere 1794
marvidigezh: 5 Genver 1771
3011/8 <17+12> Mary Montagu [Montagu]
ganedigezh: 1711
eured: <20> George Brudenell Montagu (4th Earl of Cardigan) [Brudenell] g. 26 Gouere 1712 a. a. 23 Mae 1790, London, St. Gile's-in-the-Fields Church
marvidigezh: 1 Mae 1775
2712/8 <20+13> Elizabeth Popham [Popham]
eured: <21> w Francis Seymour [Seymour] g. 1697 a. a. 23 Kerzu 1761
eured: <22> Edward Richard Montagu (Viscount Hinchingbrooke) [Montagu] g. 7 Gouere 1692 a. a. 3 Here 1722
marvidigezh: 20 Meurzh 1761
2913/8 <14+9> Rachel Cavendish [Cavendish]
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