Llewelyn Porter - Taolenn an diskennidi

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Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
11/1 Llewelyn Porter [Porter]
eured: <1> Elizabeth Vardeman [Vardeman] g. 25 C'hwevrer 1803 a. a. < 1842
marvidigezh: NOWN
Copyright © 2001-2005, Tim Dowling email: tdowling_53223@@yahoo.com


21/2 <1+1> Martha Ellen Porter [Porter]
ganedigezh: 11 Here 1819, Kentucky, USA
eured: <2> William B. Singleton [Singleton] g. 1802 a. a. < 1880, Ralls County (Missouri)
marvidigezh: 20 Gwengolo 1875, Marion County (Ohio), USA
Copyright © 2001-2005, Tim Dowling email: tdowling_53223@@yahoo.com


31/3 <2+2> Mary Elizabeth Singleton [Singleton]
ganedigezh: 24 C'hwevrer 1835, Palmyra (Missouri)
eured: <3> William Harrison Pulliam [Pulliam] g. 1 Meurzh 1827 a. a. 16 Kerzu 1893, Marion County (Missouri)
marvidigezh: 17 Du 1917, Scotland County (Missouri)
Copyright © 2001-2005, Tim Dowling email: tdowling_53223@@yahoo.com


41/4 <3+3> Irvin Brown Pulliam [Pulliam]
ganedigezh: 18 Genver 1859, Union (Missouri)
titl: Rev.
darvoud all: , Sound
eured: <4> Martha Ellen Collins [Collins] g. 1865? a. a. > 1903, Fairmount (Illinois)
marvidigezh: 16 Gwengolo 1946, Indianapolis (Indiana)
Copyright © 2001-2005, Tim Dowling email: tdowling_53223@@yahoo.com


51/5 <4+4> Eugene Collins Pulliam [Pulliam]
ganedigezh: 3 Mae 1889, Ulysses (Kansas), Grant County (Kansas)
micher: Publisher
darvoud all: Pic
eured: <5> Myrta Smith [Smith] a. a. Gwengolo 1917
eured: <6> Марта Отт [Отты] g. 23 Meurzh 1891 a. a. 11 Gouere 1991, Indiana
darvoud 1: <6!> Марта Отт [Отты] g. 23 Meurzh 1891 a. a. 11 Gouere 1991
eured: <7> Nina G. Mason [Mason] a. a. 26 Meurzh 1997
marvidigezh: 23 Mezheven 1975, Phoenix (Arizona), Maricopa County (Arizona)
douaridigezh: Lebanon (Indiana), Oak Hill Cem
Eugene C. Pulliam was owner and publisher of The Indianapolis Star and The Indianapolis News from the 1940s until his death in 1975.

At age 6 he was a newsboy in Kansas; as a college student he was one of the founders of Sigma Delta Chi, (now the Society of Professional Journalists); and at 23 he became one of the youngest newspaper editors in the country when he took the helm of the Atchison Champion in Kansas.

During his career he owned and operated 46 newspapers - 23 at the same time.

Born in Ulysses, Kan., on May 3, 1889, Eugene Collins Pulliam was the son of Methodist missionaries, the Rev. Irvin Brown and Martha Ellen Collins Pulliam, who had been sent to the then-frontier state of Kansas. He grew up in numerous small towns throughout Kansas because his father was frequently transferred.

Pulliam came to Indiana in 1907 to attend DePauw University. There, he founded the DePauw Daily, a student newspaper, and in 1909 he and nine other students founded Sigma Delta Chi.

Pulliam left DePauw after his junior year and in 1909 worked for a few months for the Atchison (KS) Champion before taking a job as a reporter for what was then the leading paper in the Midwest, The Kansas City Star.

Pulliam returned to Atchison to become editor of the Champion in May 1911. At 23 he was one of the youngest editors of a daily paper in the country.

In February 1912 he married Myrta Smith, whom he'd met five years earlier when both where students at DePauw. With financial help from her family Pulliam purchased the remaining Champion stock he did not already own and became publisher as well as editor.

It was the first of 46 newspapers he would own at various times in his career. He sold the Champion a few years later and bought the Franklin Evening Star. Next came the Lebanon Reporter, which became his home base for the next 15 years.

In 1944 he purchased The Indianapolis Star and the Muncie Star, in 1946 the Arizona Republic and Phoenix Gazette, and in 1948 The Indianapolis News.

Throughout his career he became a friend of U.S. presidents and world leaders and was a champion for the freedom of the press. He established the Eugene C. Pulliam Fellowship Program to help outstanding college graduates pursue careers in journalism.

Eugene and Myrta Pulliam had one child, Eugene S. Pulliam. Myrta died at age 30 in September 1917. In 1919 he married Martha Ott and had two daughers, Corrine and Suzanne. They would later divorce, and he married Nina Mason in 1941.

Eugene C. Pulliam died June 23, 1975, at the age of 86. He was buried at Oak Hill Cemetery, Lebanon, Ind.

Sources: Pulliam, Russell, "Publisher Gene Pulliam: Last of the Newspaper Titans," Jameson Books, 1984. Pulliam, Russ, "Methodism Shaped Life View of Publisher Pulliam," DePauw Alumnus, July, 1979. "Eugene C. Pulliam Dies at 86," The Indianapolis Star, June 24, 1975. "Who Was Who in America," volume 6, 1974-76.

Copyright © 2001-2005, Tim Dowling

email: tdowling_53223@@yahoo.com


61/6 <5+6> Suzanne Pulliam [Pulliam]
ganedigezh: vate
Copyright © 2001-2005, Tim Dowling email: tdowling_53223@@yahoo.com
72/6 <5+6> Martha Corinne Pulliam [Pulliam]
ganedigezh: vate
Copyright © 2001-2005, Tim Dowling email: tdowling_53223@@yahoo.com
83/6 <5+5> Eugene Smith Pulliam [Pulliam]
ganedigezh: 7 Gwengolo 1914, Atchison (Kansas)
micher: Publisher, Indianapolis Star
servij milourel: WWII, Lt. Commander, U.S. Navy
darvoud all: Pic
diplom: 1935, Greencastle (Indiana), DePauw University
marvidigezh: 20 Genver 1999
Eugene S. Pulliam was publisher of The Indianapolis Star and The Indianapolis News from 1975 until his death in 1999. Under his leadership, The Star won two Pulitzer Prizes - in 1975 for a series on police corruption and in 1991 for an investigation of Indiana’s medical malpractice system.

Eugene Smith Pulliam was born Sept. 7, 1914, in Atchison, Kansas, when his father, Eugene C. Pulliam, was just beginning his long career in the newspaper industry.

When the family moved to Indiana, Gene, as he would be known, began his own newspaper career while in grade school, delivering The Lebanon Reporter and The Indianapolis News. He later worked as an apprentice in The Reporter’s print shop.

Pulliam attended DePauw University and became president of DePauw’s chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, the Society of Professional Journalists. He also wrote a column for the student newspaper.

After graduation in 1935, he took a job with United Press. He worked for the wire service in Chicago, Detroit and Buffalo, N.Y., and then returned to Indianapolis to become news director of WIRE Radio, a station then owned by his father.

During World War II, Gene Pulliam served four years in the Navy and then with the Naval Reserve, retiring in 1948 with the rank of lieutenant commander.

He married Jane Bleecker in 1943. They had three children -- Myrta J., Russell B. and Deborah S., all of whom continued the family tradition in journalism.

After returning from World War II, Pulliam served in several positions with The Star including aviation editor, assistant city editor and city editor. In 1948, he became managing editor of The News.

In 1962 he was named assistant publisher of The Star and The News and became publisher in 1975 after his father's death. He held that position until his death at 84 on Jan. 20, 1999.

--- the Indianapolis Star

Copyright © 2001-2005, Tim Dowling

email: tdowling_53223@@yahoo.com
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