(Sir) William Lyttleton (of Frankley) a. a. 1507 - Taolenn an diskennidi
Ur pennad tennet eus Rodovid BR, ar c'helc'hgeriadur digor.
Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
11/1 <?+?> ♂ (Sir) William Lyttleton (of Frankley) [Lyttleton] marvidigezh: 1507
21/2 <1+?> ♂ John Lyttleton [Lyttleton]marvidigezh: 17 Mae 1532
31/3 <2+?> ♂ w (Sir) John Lyttleton [Lyttleton]ganedigezh: 1520
marvidigezh: 15 C'hwevrer 1590
marvidigezh: 15 C'hwevrer 1590
41/4 <3+?> ♀ Margaret Lyttleton [Lyttleton] 52/4 <3+?> ♀ Elizabeth Lyttelton [Lyttelton]5
71/5 <5+?> ♀ Margaret Willoughby [Willoughby]ganedigezh: 1560?
marvidigezh: 17 Ebrel 1597
62/5 <4+?> ♂ (Sir) Edward Marrow [Marrow] marvidigezh: 17 Ebrel 1597
marvidigezh: 1632
81/6 <7+?> ♂ William Spencer [Spencer]ganedigezh: 1592, Northamptonshire, England
ganedigezh: 19 Kerzu 1636
ganedigezh: 19 Kerzu 1636
William Spencer, 2nd Baron Spencer of Wormleighton MP (christened 4 January 1591 – 19 December 1636) was an English peer.
92/6 <6+?> ♂ Samuel Fiennes (Marrow) [Marrow] William Spencer was born to Robert Spencer, 1st Baron Spencer of Wormleighton and his wife, Margaret Willoughby, and was baptised on 4 January 1591 at Brington, Northamptonshire. He attended Magdalen College, Oxford and became a Member of Parliament for Brackley in 1614, for Northamptonshire (1620–22 & 1624–27). From 6 May 1618 to 1621, Spencer held the office of Deputy Lieutenant of Northamptonshire. On 25 October 1627, he succeeded to the title of 2nd Baron Spencer of Wormleighton.
In 1615, William Spencer married Lady Penelope Wriothesley, daughter of Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton. Their eldest son was Henry Spencer, 1st Earl of Sunderland.annez: Berkswell, England
marvidigezh: 1635
marvidigezh: 1635
131/7 <8+?> ♂ w Henry Spencer (1st Earl of Sunderland) [Spencer]ganedigezh: 23 Du 1620
marvidigezh: 20 Gwengolo 1643
122/7 <8+?> ♀ Margaret Spencer [Spencer] marvidigezh: 20 Gwengolo 1643
ganedigezh: 1627, Brington (Northamptonshire), England
marvidigezh: 1693, London, England
113/7 <9+?> ♂ Edward Horwood (Marrow) [Marrow] marvidigezh: 1693, London, England
ganedigezh: 1629
titl: Bart of Berkswell
marvidigezh: Mae 1659
104/7 <8+?> ♂ Robert Spencer [Spencer] titl: Bart of Berkswell
marvidigezh: Mae 1659
ganedigezh: 1630
ganedigezh: 1678, Surrey County (Virginia)
ganedigezh: 1678, Surrey County (Virginia)
171/8 <13> ♂ w Robert Spencer (2nd Earl of Sunderland) [Spencer]ganedigezh: 5 Gwengolo 1641, Paris
eured: <2> ♀ w Anne Digby [Digby] a. a. 26 Ebrel 1715
marvidigezh: 28 Gwengolo 1702
162/8 <12+?> ♀ Penelope Ashley-Cooper [Ashley-Cooper] eured: <2> ♀ w Anne Digby [Digby] a. a. 26 Ebrel 1715
marvidigezh: 28 Gwengolo 1702
ganedigezh: 1647, Barbados
marvidigezh: 1711, Virginia, St Peters, New Kent, Virginia
153/8 <11+?> ♂ (Sir) Samuel Grantham (Marrow) [Marrow] marvidigezh: 1711, Virginia, St Peters, New Kent, Virginia
ganedigezh: 1652
titl: Bart of Berkswell
marvidigezh: 1699?
144/8 <10> ♀ Elizabeth Spencer [Spencer] titl: Bart of Berkswell
marvidigezh: 1699?
ganedigezh: 1664, Virginia, St. Georges Parish, Spotsylvania
eured: <3> ♂ John Long [Long] g. 1662, Caroline County (Virginia)
ganedigezh: 1764, Spottsylvania, Virgina
eured: <3> ♂ John Long [Long] g. 1662, Caroline County (Virginia)
ganedigezh: 1764, Spottsylvania, Virgina
Patrom:Timeline error
Two birth dates? Patrom:Place name error Patrom:Place name error Patrom:Place name error Patrom:Place name error Mariage datas are not written in the right place. Please correct this error Patrom:Needsources Patrom:Controversial
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