Grace Tyller (Tyll) g. 1478 a. a. 1526? - Taolenn an diskennidi

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Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
11/1 <?> Grace Tyller (Tyll) [Tyller]
ganedigezh: 1478, Bradford Peverell, Dorset (England)
eured: <1> Thomas Churchill [Churchill] g. 1460?
marvidigezh: 1526?, Bradford Peverell, Dorset (England)


21/2 <1+1> William Churchill [Churchill]
ganedigezh: 1501
eured: <2> Mary ? (Cruese, Creuse) [?] g. 1505
marvidigezh: 12 Meurzh 1598
32/2 <1+1> William Muston (Churchell of Dorchester) [Churchill]
testamant: 12 Meurzh 1599
kadarnadur barnerezhel: 18 Du 1602
Patrom:NeedsourcesHad Children:
  • Anne m Lancelot Cooper of Farington
  • Edith Churchill m. Parr
  • Jane Churchill m. Chappel
  • Gervase
  • Richard
  • John
  • Robert
  • Maximilian
  • Jasper
  • Thomas
  • Matthew
  • Sarah


41/3 <2+2> William Muston (Churchill of Calais) [Muston]
ganedigezh: 1520, Dorset (England)
52/3 <2+2> Roger Churchill (of Catherston) [Churchill]
ganedigezh: 1522
63/3 <2+2> John Churchill (Muston) (of Muston, Dorset) [Muston]
ganedigezh: 1523?


121/4 <4> John Musten [Musten]
ganedigezh: 1542, England
marvidigezh: Genver 1581, Cattistock, Dorset England
72/4 <5+?> Mathew Churchill (of Bradford) [Churchill]
ganedigezh: 1548
eured: <3> Alice Gould [Gould] g. 1548
153/4 <4> George Musten [Musten]
ganedigezh: 1548
144/4 <4> Isabel Musten [Musten]
ganedigezh: 1550
135/4 <4> Thomas Musten [Musten]
ganedigezh: 1551, England
marvidigezh: 1592, Cattistock, Dorset (England)
116/4 <4> William Muston [Muston]
ganedigezh: 1552, England
douaridigezh: 20 Mae 1604, Cattistock, Dorset (England)
marvidigezh: 1605
87/4 <6> John of Muston (Churchill) [Muston]
ganedigezh: 1561, England, Muston, Dorset
darvoud all: 1609, Alienation of Muston Estate
98/4 <6> Anne Muston (of Courston) [Muston] 109/4 <6> Elizabeth Muston [Muston]


161/5 <7+3> Jasper Churchill (of Bradford) [Churchill]
ganedigezh: 1570
eured: <6> Elizabeth Chaplett [Chaplet] g. 1574
172/5 <8> John of Muston (Churchill) [Muston]
darvoud all: 1587
marvidigezh: 1621, Virginia Colony
203/5 <11+?> Bridget Muston [Muston]
ganedigezh: 1587
annez: 1620, Cattistock, Dorset (England)
184/5 <11+?> John of Muston (Churchill of Henbury) [Muston]
ganedigezh: ~ 1590
Patrom:NeedsourcesNot to be confused with John Churchill of Plymouth.
195/5 <8> William of Muston (Churchill) [Muston]


211/6 <16+6> w John Churchill (of Middle Temple) [Churchill]
ganedigezh: 1585
marvidigezh: > 1673
292/6 <18+?> John Muston (Churchill) (of Plymouth) [Muston]
ganedigezh: 1610, Muston, England
eured: <7> Hannah Pontus [Pontus] g. 1623 a. a. 1693
marvidigezh: 1693, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
273/6 <19+?> John Mustain (of Churston) [Mustain]
ganedigezh: 1620 ≤ ? ≤ 1630, Of Churston Place
eured: <8> Bridget Vaughan (Vann) [Vaughan] g. ~ 1635
annez: 1648, Maryland
marvidigezh: 1682?
224/6 <20+?> William Keech [Keech]
ganedigezh: ~ 1630, Ireland
James Keech SR emigrated to Barbados in 1664

While there:

Witnessed the Last will and testiment of Thomas Hayes Sr Buried in St Thomas Parish Church Others buried there : son John Hayes dau Jane Hayes bro John Hayes Son Thomas Hayes M Patience (Ireland or Hickman) ii sons of thomas: Steven, Thomas, John, Samuell, ii daughters of Thomas, Ann, Temperance, sarah

Sister of Thomas Hayes Sr = Martha Hayes m William Charles Will and testiment witnessed on Dec 17 1682 by James Keech ii Sons of Martha and William: Francis, Robert, William, and John

James Keech Arrived in 1686 from Barbados Disembarking in MD
235/6 <18+?> William of Muston (Churchill) [Muston]
titl: 1639, Sheriff of Dorset
marvidigezh: 1682
246/6 <17> Maximilien Muston (of Churchill) [Muston]
Had sons;
  • Maximilien
  • John (Jean)
257/6 <17> Jasper Muston (of Churchill) [Muston]
268/6 <18+?> Thomas Muston (of Churchill) [Muston]
289/6 <17> Anne Muston (Churchill) [Muston]


301/7 <21+?> Winston Churchill [Churchill]
ganedigezh: 18 Ebrel 1620, Marlborough (Wiltshire), England
titl: Sir
darvoud all: Kit Kat Club
eured: <9> Elizabeth Drake [Drake] g. 1622? a. a. 1698?
marvidigezh: 26 Meurzh 1688
342/7 <21+?> William Sampson Churchill [Churchill]
ganedigezh: 1628
313/7 <27+8> Thomas Moustain (Mustain) [Mustain]
ganedigezh: 1650?
enbroerezh: 1674, From France to Maryland

Patrom:Controversial 1679 - Thomas MUSTAIN & Ann {Wife} take one hundred acres of land in "finishing their service in this province". - Maryland Deed Records., Served 4 years a shipping clerk

Although it is certain that Thomas was related to John Mustain, the age of John's wife makes it difficult (but not impossible) to reconcile chronologically, unless Thomas was the projeny of a first marriage.

Another scenario is that Thomas is cousin's son to John, being the grandson of either John's uncle Jasper, Thomas, or Maximilien. Maximilien is unlikely since non of the descendants of Thomas carried the name Maximilien forward. However the names Thomas, John, and Jesse/Jasper, appear with regular frequency. That Thomas is decended from the branch of Muston-Churchill that was located in France is made more likely by the fact that Thomas and his wife Ann set sail to Maryland from the Port of Calais, rather than the more conveniently located Cinque Ports.
324/7 <22> James Keech [Keech]
ganedigezh: 18 Gwengolo 1650, Port Tobacco Village (Maryland), USA
marvidigezh: 9 Eost 1707, St. Mary's City (Maryland), USA
335/7 <28+?> William Cooper [Cooper]


361/8 <30+9> w Arabella Churchill [Churchill]
ganedigezh: 23 C'hwevrer 1648
marvidigezh: 30 Mae 1730, Londres
352/8 <30+9> John Churchill [Churchill]
ganedigezh: 26 Mae 1650
desaverezh: London, England, St. Paul's School
eured: <10> Sarah Jennings (Jenyns) [Jennings] g. 29 Mae 1660 a. a. 18 Here 1744, England
titl: 1702 - 1722, Duke of Marlborough
marvidigezh: 16 Mezheven 1722
373/8 <30+9> Чарльз Черчиль [Черчили]
ganedigezh: 2 C'hwevrer 1655, Английское королевство, /56
384/8 <31+?> Thomas Muscheon (Muston) [Mustain]
ganedigezh: > 1673, Maryland?
annez: Charles City, Henrico, Virginia
395/8 <31> Gerrard Mustin [Mustain]
ganedigezh: 1675, Maryland
marvidigezh: King George (Virginia)
406/8 <32+?> William Keech [Keech]
ganedigezh: 1689, Barbados, Caribbean
417/8 <31> Ann Mustin [Mustain]
428/8 <34> John Churchill [Churchill]
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