Fionnuala Ineen Dubh (MacDonnell) - Taolenn an diskennidi

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Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
11/1 <?+?> Fionnuala Ineen Dubh (MacDonnell) [Dubh]
annez: Mongavlin Castle, River Foyle, St Johnston, Laggan, East Donegal, Ireland


21/2 <1+?> Aodh Ruadh (Ó Domhnaill) [Ó Domhnaill]
ganedigezh: 1572
titl: County Donegal, Ireland, Rí Dunnan Gall
marvidigezh: 10 Gwengolo 1602

(source Wikipedia) "Aodh was succeeded as chief of the Clan O'Donnell by his brother, Rory O'Donnell, created the 1st Earl of Tyrconnell the following year by the English Crown. " -> Meaning: it seems that he did not have any children

42/2 <1+?> Rudhraighe ODomhnaill [Ó Domhnaill]
marvidigezh: 1608
83/2 <1+?> Cathbarr ODomhnaill [Ó Domhnaill]
marvidigezh: 1608
34/2 <1+?> Nuala O'Donnell (Sister of Red Hugh) [Ó Domhnaill] 55/2 <1+?> Maghnus ODomhnaill [Ó Domhnaill]
66/2 <1+?> Mairghead ODomhnaill [Ó Domhnaill]
77/2 <1+?> Maire ODomhnaill [Ó Domhnaill]


91/3 <2+?> Seamus (James) MacDonald (Ó Domhnaill) [Ó Domhnaill]


Namesake of his Uncle Seamus, the brother of Aodh Ruadh Ó Domhnaill
102/3 <2+?> Duncan O'Rourke [O'Rourke]
113/3 <3+1> Grania O'Donnell [O'Donnell]


121/4 <9> Marian McDonald [Ó Domhnaill]
ganedigezh: 1600, Auchtrichitan, Scotland
marvidigezh: Glenstrae, Scotland
Patrom:Place name error

Patrom:Place name error Patrom:Needsources

Lady Marian MacDonald was said to have been 12th generation descendant from King Robert the Bruce of Scotland

"Children of the Mist"


131/5 <12+?> William Mackgayhe [MacGregor]
ganedigezh: 1618, Scotland
marvidigezh: 1675, York/New Kent (Virginia)
Patrom:Place name error


According to family tradition descends from: William Macgayhe b. 1618, Scotland d. 1675, York Plantation, Henrico, Virginia, United States mar. Marian MacDonald b. 1623, Achtriochtan, Glencoe, Scotland d. 8 Dec 1678, Glenstrae, Scotland. Their son Thomas Mackgehee b. 1653, York, Virigina d. 27 Jul 1727, St Johns, King William, Virginia mar. Ann Bastrop d. 1724, Virginia Colony, whose son William Mackgehee b. 1 Nov 1670, King William, , Virginia Colony d. 22 Jul 1771, Cumberland, , Virginia Colony mar. Mary Carr |b. 1677, Caroline, , Virginia Colony d. 1754, Caroline, , Virginia Colony. Their son William born 1702 Hanover VA died 1796 Duplin NC mar Elizabeth McCullough and their son John MAGEE born 1742 d 1802 married Esther McCullar d 1756, and their son Patrick born 1756 in "Island Magee, Co Antrim' d1816 Missouri, mar. Rosanna McCullar 1760-1826


141/6 <13> Thomas Mackgehee [MacGregor]
ganedigezh: 1645, York (Virginia)
marvidigezh: 27 Gouere 1727, St Johns, King William, Virginia

-> date and place do not fit

According to family tradition descends from: William Macgayhe b. 1618, Scotland d. 1675, York Plantation, Henrico, Virginia, United States mar. Marian MacDonald b. 1623, Achtriochtan, Glencoe, Scotland d. 8 Dec 1678, Glenstrae, Scotland. Their son Thomas Mackgehee b. 1653, York, Virigina d. 27 Jul 1727, St Johns, King William, Virginia mar. Ann Bastrop d. 1724, Virginia Colony, whose son William Mackgehee b. 1 Nov 1670, King William, , Virginia Colony d. 22 Jul 1771, Cumberland, , Virginia Colony mar. Mary Carr |b. 1677, Caroline, , Virginia Colony d. 1754, Caroline, , Virginia Colony. Their son William born 1702 Hanover VA died 1796 Duplin NC mar Elizabeth McCullough and their son John MAGEE born 1742 d 1802 married Esther McCullar d 1756, and their son Patrick born 1756 in "Island Magee, Co Antrim' d1816 Missouri, mar. Rosanna McCullar 1760-1826

152/6 <13> William MacGehee [MacGregor]
ganedigezh: York County (Virginia)
marvidigezh: 1747, Hanover County (Virginia)


161/7 <14+?> William Mack Gehee [MacGregor]
ganedigezh: 1 Du 1672, King William (Virginia), King William County (Virginia)
marvidigezh: 22 Gouere 1771, Cumberland (Virginia)
Patrom:NeedsourcesAccording to family this lineage descends from William Macgayhe b. 1618, Scotland d. 1675, York Plantation, Henrico, Virginia, United States mar. Marian MacDonald b. 1623, Achtriochtan, Glencoe, Scotland d. 8 Dec 1678, Glenstrae, Scotland. Their son Thomas Mackgehee b. 1653, York, Virigina d. 27 Jul 1727, St Johns, King William, Virginia mar. Ann Bastrop d. 1724, Virginia Colony, whose son William Mackgehee b. 1 Nov 1670, King William, , Virginia Colony d. 22 Jul 1771, Cumberland, , Virginia Colony mar. Mary Carr |b. 1677, Caroline, , Virginia Colony d. 1754, Caroline, , Virginia Colony. Their son William born 1702 Hanover VA died 1796 Duplin NC mar Elizabeth McCullough and their son John MAGEE born 1742 d 1802 married Esther McCullar d 1756, and their son Patrick born 1756 in "Island Magee, Co Antrim' d1816 Missouri, mar. Rosanna McCullar 1760-1826 Family Tree DNA - Genealogy by Genetics, Ltd. World Headquarters - DNA lineage confirmation for Magee
172/7 <15+?> Samuel Mackgehee (the Quaker) [MacGregor]


181/8 <16+?> William Mcghee [MacGregor]
ganedigezh: 1702, Hanover County (Virginia)
marvidigezh: 20 Meurzh 1796, Duplin County (North Carolina)


According to family tradition descends from: William Macgayhe b. 1618, Scotland d. 1675, York Plantation, Henrico, Virginia, United States mar. Marian MacDonald b. 1623, Achtriochtan, Glencoe, Scotland d. 8 Dec 1678, Glenstrae, Scotland. Their son Thomas Mackgehee b. 1653, York, Virigina d. 27 Jul 1727, St Johns, King William, Virginia mar. Ann Bastrop d. 1724, Virginia Colony, whose son William Mackgehee b. 1 Nov 1670, King William, , Virginia Colony d. 22 Jul 1771, Cumberland, , Virginia Colony mar. Mary Carr |b. 1677, Caroline, , Virginia Colony d. 1754, Caroline, , Virginia Colony. Their son William born 1702 Hanover VA died 1796 Duplin NC mar Elizabeth McCullough and their son John MAGEE born 1742 d 1802 married Esther McCullar d 1756, and their son Patrick born 1756 in "Island Magee, Co Antrim' d1816 Missouri, mar. Rosanna McCullar 1760-1826
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