Thomas Randolph a. a. 20 Gouere 1332 - Gwezenn klok
Ur pennad tennet eus Rodovid BR, ar c'helc'hgeriadur digor.
Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
Ar wezenn-mañ a vod: 96 tiegezh evit 303 a dud eus 58 lignez. 101 eus an dud-man az a d'ober ar strollad kreiz (diagentidi – den pennañ – diskennidi). Kuzhet eo 63 tiegezh gant 58 a dud.
♂ Gospatric FitzMaldred
ganedigezh: 1040?, Galloway, Schottland
titl: 1067 - 1068, Earl of Northumbria
titl: 1072 - 1075, Earl of Dunbar
marvidigezh: 1075, Norham, Northumberland, England
titl: 1067 - 1068, Earl of Northumbria
titl: 1072 - 1075, Earl of Dunbar
marvidigezh: 1075, Norham, Northumberland, England
♀ Maria van Schotland
ganedigezh: ~ 1080
eured: ♂ w Eustache III van Boulogne
marvidigezh: 31 Mae 1116
douaridigezh: Bermondsey Abbey
eured: ♂ w Eustache III van Boulogne
marvidigezh: 31 Mae 1116
douaridigezh: Bermondsey Abbey
♀ Edith von Schottland
ganedigezh: 1080, Dunfermline, Schottland
eured: ♂ Генрих I Благоук из Нормандии , Westminster (London)
titl: 11 Du 1100, Queen Consort of England
titl: 15 Here 1106, Tinchebray, Duchesse de Normandie
marvidigezh: 1 Mae 1118, London, England, Westminster Palace
douaridigezh: Westminster Abbey or Winchester
eured: ♂ Генрих I Благоук из Нормандии , Westminster (London)
titl: 11 Du 1100, Queen Consort of England
titl: 15 Here 1106, Tinchebray, Duchesse de Normandie
marvidigezh: 1 Mae 1118, London, England, Westminster Palace
douaridigezh: Westminster Abbey or Winchester
♂ Duncan II von Schottland
ganedigezh: < 1060
eured: ♀ Athelreda of Dunbar ? (Dunbar)
titl: 1094, King of Alba
marvidigezh: 12 Du 1094
eured: ♀ Athelreda of Dunbar ? (Dunbar)
titl: 1094, King of Alba
marvidigezh: 12 Du 1094
♂ Alexander I Dunkeld (of Scotland)
ganedigezh: 1078
eured: ♀ Sybilla Norman
titl: 8 Genver 1107 - 23 Ebrel 1124, король Шотландии
marvidigezh: 23 Ebrel 1124, Stirling Castle
eured: ♀ Sybilla Norman
titl: 8 Genver 1107 - 23 Ebrel 1124, король Шотландии
marvidigezh: 23 Ebrel 1124, Stirling Castle
♀ Matilda FitzArulph (Hesdin)
ganedigezh: 1057, Toddington (Bedfordshire), England
marvidigezh: 1133, Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England
marvidigezh: 1133, Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England
♂ Raoul Ier de Vermandois - (Raoul IV de Crépy, dit : le Vaillant, dit : le Borgne)
ganedigezh: 1085 ≤ ? ≤ 1094
titl: comte de Vermandois
titl: comte d'Amiens
titl: comte de Valois
eured: ♀ Элеонора де Блуа
eured: ♀ Aelis Petronella van Aquitanie
freuz-dimeziñ: ♀ Элеонора де Блуа
freuz-dimeziñ: ♀ Aelis Petronella van Aquitanie
eured: ♀ Laurette von Flandern
marvidigezh: 14 Here 1152
titl: comte de Vermandois
titl: comte d'Amiens
titl: comte de Valois
eured: ♀ Элеонора де Блуа
eured: ♀ Aelis Petronella van Aquitanie
freuz-dimeziñ: ♀ Элеонора де Блуа
freuz-dimeziñ: ♀ Aelis Petronella van Aquitanie
eured: ♀ Laurette von Flandern
marvidigezh: 14 Here 1152
♀ Marguerite de Clermont
ganedigezh: 1104
eured: ♂ w Dietrich von Elsass
titl: 1115, Dame de Flandre
eured: ♂ w Carl de Danemark (Charles Ier de Flandre)
titl: 1128, Comtesse de Flandre
marvidigezh: 1150
eured: ♂ w Dietrich von Elsass
titl: 1115, Dame de Flandre
eured: ♂ w Carl de Danemark (Charles Ier de Flandre)
titl: 1128, Comtesse de Flandre
marvidigezh: 1150
♂ Robert Ier de Meulan
ganedigezh: 1046?
titl: 1081 -, comte de Meulan
eured: ♀ w Elisabeth von Vermandois
titl: 1107 - 1118, Comte de Leicester, le premier
marvidigezh: 5 Mezheven 1118
titl: 1081 -, comte de Meulan
eured: ♀ w Elisabeth von Vermandois
titl: 1107 - 1118, Comte de Leicester, le premier
marvidigezh: 5 Mezheven 1118
♂ William Ætheling
ganedigezh: 5 Eost 1103, Sutton Courtenay
titl: 5 Eost 1103, Kronprinz von England
eured: ♀ Matilda von Anjou
marvidigezh: 25 Du 1120, Barfleur, beim Untergang der Blanche-Nef (Weißes Schiff)
titl: 5 Eost 1103, Kronprinz von England
eured: ♀ Matilda von Anjou
marvidigezh: 25 Du 1120, Barfleur, beim Untergang der Blanche-Nef (Weißes Schiff)
♀ Mathilde von England
ganedigezh: 7 C'hwevrer 1102, Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire, England
eured: ♂ Henry V ? (Dynastie Salique, Dynastie Franconienne) , Mainz
titl: 25 Du 1120, Barfleur, Kronprinzessin von England
titl: 17 Mezheven 1128, Rouen, Normandie, Frankreich
eured: ♂ Жоффруа V Красивый Плантагенет , Le Mans
titl: 1141, Königin von England
marvidigezh: 10 Gwengolo 1167, Rouen
eured: ♂ Henry V ? (Dynastie Salique, Dynastie Franconienne) , Mainz
titl: 25 Du 1120, Barfleur, Kronprinzessin von England
titl: 17 Mezheven 1128, Rouen, Normandie, Frankreich
eured: ♂ Жоффруа V Красивый Плантагенет , Le Mans
titl: 1141, Königin von England
marvidigezh: 10 Gwengolo 1167, Rouen
♂ Режино из Дунстанвиль
ganedigezh: 1110?
titl: comte de Cornouailles
eured: ♀ Mabel FitzRichard (Buckenhall)
marvidigezh: 1 Gouere 1175, probablement
titl: comte de Cornouailles
eured: ♀ Mabel FitzRichard (Buckenhall)
marvidigezh: 1 Gouere 1175, probablement
♀ Sybilla Norman
ganedigezh: 1092
niver a vugale: pas de descendance.
eured: ♂ Alexander I Dunkeld (of Scotland)
marvidigezh: 12 Gouere 1122
niver a vugale: pas de descendance.
eured: ♂ Alexander I Dunkeld (of Scotland)
marvidigezh: 12 Gouere 1122
♂ Robert FitzEdith (Lord Okehampton)
eured: ♀ Maud d’Avranches du Sap (de Abrincis) , [[wk:fr:Henri Ier Beauclerc#Avec Edith FitzForne|Wikipédia]]
♂ Patrick Chaworth
ganedigezh: 1093, Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England
marvidigezh: 1155, Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England
marvidigezh: 1155, Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England
♂ Uchtred Leham (FitzMaldred)
ganedigezh: 1075, Raby Castle, County Durham, England
marvidigezh: 1128, Raby Castle, County Durham, England
marvidigezh: 1128, Raby Castle, County Durham, England
♂ William de Warenne (3. Earl of Surrey)
ganedigezh: 1119, Vermandois, Hauts-de-France, Frankreich
titl: Earl of Surrey, 3rd
eured: ♀ Ela d'Alencon
marvidigezh: 1148?
titl: Earl of Surrey, 3rd
eured: ♀ Ela d'Alencon
marvidigezh: 1148?
♂ Галеран IV (Валеран) де Бомон (де Мёлан)
ganedigezh: 1104
titl: 1118 - 1166, сеньор Бомон-ле-Роже
titl: 1120 - 1166, граф де Мёлан
eured: ♀ Матильда де Блуа
titl: 1138 -, 1-й граф Вустер
eured: ♀ Агнесса де Монфор
marvidigezh: 1166
titl: 1118 - 1166, сеньор Бомон-ле-Роже
titl: 1120 - 1166, граф де Мёлан
eured: ♀ Матильда де Блуа
titl: 1138 -, 1-й граф Вустер
eured: ♀ Агнесса де Монфор
marvidigezh: 1166
♂ Guillaume Fitz Alain (Dinan)
ganedigezh: 1105, Oswestry, Shropshire, England
titl: Seigneur d'Oswestry
eured: ♀ Isabel de Say
marvidigezh: 1160
titl: Seigneur d'Oswestry
eured: ♀ Isabel de Say
marvidigezh: 1160
♂ Simon IV de Montfort
eured: ♀ w Amicie de Beaumont (de Leicester)
darvoud all: 1180, Lagny-sur-Marne (77), Participe au grand tournois de Lagny
marvidigezh: 1188
darvoud all: 1180, Lagny-sur-Marne (77), Participe au grand tournois de Lagny
marvidigezh: 1188
♂ Robert III de Beaumont ? (dit Blanches Mains)
titl: 1130 - 1190, comte de Leicester
marvidigezh: 31 Eost 1190, Durrës
marvidigezh: 31 Eost 1190, Durrës
♀ Margaret Galloway
ganedigezh: 1130, Carrick (Scotland)
marvidigezh: 1182, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland
marvidigezh: 1182, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland
♀ Margaret de Huntingdon
ganedigezh: 1145
eured: ♂ Gilchrist Angus
eured: ♂ w Conan IV Breith
titl: 1160, Duchesse de Bretagne et Comtesse de Richmond
marvidigezh: 1201
eured: ♂ Gilchrist Angus
eured: ♂ w Conan IV Breith
titl: 1160, Duchesse de Bretagne et Comtesse de Richmond
marvidigezh: 1201
♂ William I Huntingdon (of Scotland)
ganedigezh: 1143?
titl: 1152 - 1157, Earl of Northumbria
titl: 1165 - 1174, Earl of Huntingdon
titl: 1165 - 1214, King of Scots
marvidigezh: 4 Kerzu 1214, Stirling (Scotland), Stirling Caslte
titl: 1152 - 1157, Earl of Northumbria
titl: 1165 - 1174, Earl of Huntingdon
titl: 1165 - 1214, King of Scots
marvidigezh: 4 Kerzu 1214, Stirling (Scotland), Stirling Caslte
♂ William Aubigny (Lord Belvoir)
titl: High Sheriff of Leicester
eured: ♀ Maud de Kevelioc of Chester (Mabel de Mechines, Maude of Chester)
titl: 1199, High Sheriff of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire
servij milourel: 1216, Rochester (Kent), Rochester Castle, First Baron's War
servij milourel: 1217, Second Battle of Lincoln
titl: 1 Mae 1236, High Sheriff of Warwickshire
eured: ♀ Maud de Kevelioc of Chester (Mabel de Mechines, Maude of Chester)
titl: 1199, High Sheriff of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire
servij milourel: 1216, Rochester (Kent), Rochester Castle, First Baron's War
servij milourel: 1217, Second Battle of Lincoln
titl: 1 Mae 1236, High Sheriff of Warwickshire
♂ William d'Aubigny (of Arundel)
ganedigezh: Arundel (England)
titl: Earl Arundel
marvidigezh: 30 Meurzh 1221
titl: Earl Arundel
marvidigezh: 30 Meurzh 1221
♀ Isabelle de Gloucester
ganedigezh: ~ 1160
eured: ♂ Jean d'Angleterre (Sans Terre) , Marlborough (Angleterre)
titl: 29 Eost 1189, Marlborough (Angleterre), Princesse d'Angleterre
titl: Gwengolo 1189, Chinon (37), Comtesse de Mortain
freuz-dimeziñ: ♂ Jean d'Angleterre (Sans Terre)
marvidigezh: 14 Here 1217
douaridigezh: >14 Here 1217, Canterbury, Cathédrale de Canterbury
eured: ♂ Jean d'Angleterre (Sans Terre) , Marlborough (Angleterre)
titl: 29 Eost 1189, Marlborough (Angleterre), Princesse d'Angleterre
titl: Gwengolo 1189, Chinon (37), Comtesse de Mortain
freuz-dimeziñ: ♂ Jean d'Angleterre (Sans Terre)
marvidigezh: 14 Here 1217
douaridigezh: >14 Here 1217, Canterbury, Cathédrale de Canterbury
♂ Gilcrist Menteith
ganedigezh: 1140, Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland
titl: 1-й граф(мормар) Ментейт
marvidigezh: 1178, Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland
titl: 1-й граф(мормар) Ментейт
marvidigezh: 1178, Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland
♂ Gilchrist Angus
ganedigezh: 1154, Forfar, Scotland
titl: Earl of Angus, 4th
eured: ♀ Margaret de Huntingdon
marvidigezh: 1211, Forfar, Scotland
titl: Earl of Angus, 4th
eured: ♀ Margaret de Huntingdon
marvidigezh: 1211, Forfar, Scotland
♂ Уолтер ФицАлан Стюарт
ganedigezh: 1180
titl: 1204 - 1246, великий сенешаль («стюарт») Шотландии(3-й верховный стюард Шотландии)
marvidigezh: 1246
titl: 1204 - 1246, великий сенешаль («стюарт») Шотландии(3-й верховный стюард Шотландии)
marvidigezh: 1246
♀ Mathilda Marshall
ganedigezh: 1192, Pembroke (Pembrokeshire), Wales
eured: ♂ w Hugh Bigod
eured: ♂ w William de Warenne (5. Earl of Surrey)
marvidigezh: 27 Meurzh 1248, Tintern, Monmouthshire, England, Tintern Abbey, Chapel Hill
eured: ♂ w Hugh Bigod
eured: ♂ w William de Warenne (5. Earl of Surrey)
marvidigezh: 27 Meurzh 1248, Tintern, Monmouthshire, England, Tintern Abbey, Chapel Hill
♂ Richard FitzGilbert (de Clare)
ganedigezh: 4 Eost 1222, England, Glouchester
eured: ♀ Margaret de Burgh
marvidigezh: 15 Gouere 1262, Canterbury (Kent), England
eured: ♀ Margaret de Burgh
marvidigezh: 15 Gouere 1262, Canterbury (Kent), England
♂ Robert I Bruce
ganedigezh: 11 Mezheven 1274, Kirkoswald (South Ayrshire), Scotland, Turnberry Castle
eured: ♀ Elizabeth de Burgh
titl: 1292, Earl of Carrick
titl: 25 Meurzh 1306, Lord of Annandale
marvidigezh: 7 Mezheven 1329, Dumbarton, Scotland, Cardross Castle, Firth of Clyde
eured: ♀ Elizabeth de Burgh
titl: 1292, Earl of Carrick
titl: 25 Meurzh 1306, Lord of Annandale
marvidigezh: 7 Mezheven 1329, Dumbarton, Scotland, Cardross Castle, Firth of Clyde
== 8 ==
== 8 ==
♀ Marjorie Stewart
ganedigezh: 1344, Renfrew (Scotland)
marvidigezh: 1417, Forres, Moray, Scotland, Darnaway Castle
marvidigezh: 1417, Forres, Moray, Scotland, Darnaway Castle
♂ John Drummond
ganedigezh: 1438, Stobhill, Schottland
eured: ♀ Elizabeth Lindsay
marvidigezh: 1519, Stobhall, Perth, Schottland
eured: ♀ Elizabeth Lindsay
marvidigezh: 1519, Stobhall, Perth, Schottland
♂ William Graham
ganedigezh: 1464, Kincardine, Scotland, Blackford, Perth,
eured: ♀ Annabel Drummond
marvidigezh: 9 Gwengolo 1513, Branxton (Northumberland), England, Battle of Flodden [[Category:Battle of Flodden|{{clanname:{{PAGENAME}}}}]]
eured: ♀ Annabel Drummond
marvidigezh: 9 Gwengolo 1513, Branxton (Northumberland), England, Battle of Flodden [[Category:Battle of Flodden|{{clanname:{{PAGENAME}}}}]]
♂ James d'Écosse (James IV)
ganedigezh: 17 Meurzh 1473, Stirling
titl: 17 Meurzh 1473, Stirling, duc de Rothesay
titl: 11 Mezheven 1488, Stirling, roi d'Écosse
eured: ♀ Маргарита Тюдор , Holyrood (Edinburgh)
marvidigezh: 9 Gwengolo 1513, Branxton (Northumberland)
titl: 17 Meurzh 1473, Stirling, duc de Rothesay
titl: 11 Mezheven 1488, Stirling, roi d'Écosse
eured: ♀ Маргарита Тюдор , Holyrood (Edinburgh)
marvidigezh: 9 Gwengolo 1513, Branxton (Northumberland)
♂ James Hamilton (Arran)
ganedigezh: 1475
titl: 1st Earl Arran
eured: ♀ Beatrix Drummond
eured: ♀ Janet Bethune
marvidigezh: 22 Gouere 1529, Kinneil House
titl: 1st Earl Arran
eured: ♀ Beatrix Drummond
eured: ♀ Janet Bethune
marvidigezh: 22 Gouere 1529, Kinneil House
♀ Маргарита Тюдор
ganedigezh: 28 Du 1489
niver a euredoù: 2-я жена Арчибальда Дугласа
eured: ♂ James d'Écosse (James IV) , Holyrood (Edinburgh)
titl: 8 Eost 1503, Holyrood (Edinburgh), Queen of Scotland
eured: ♂ Archibald Douglas
torr-dimeziñ: ♂ Archibald Douglas
eured: ♂ Henry Stewart (Lord Methven)
marvidigezh: 18 Here 1541
niver a euredoù: 2-я жена Арчибальда Дугласа
eured: ♂ James d'Écosse (James IV) , Holyrood (Edinburgh)
titl: 8 Eost 1503, Holyrood (Edinburgh), Queen of Scotland
eured: ♂ Archibald Douglas
torr-dimeziñ: ♂ Archibald Douglas
eured: ♂ Henry Stewart (Lord Methven)
marvidigezh: 18 Here 1541
♂ Jakob V. von Schottland
ganedigezh: 10 Ebrel 1512, Linlithgow Palace, Schottland
eured: ♀ w Margaret Erskine
titl: 10 Ebrel 1512, Stirling Castle, Stirling, Schottland, Krönung zum König von Schottland unter Regentschaft seiner Mutter u.a.
titl: 9 Gwengolo 1513, Falkland Palace, Fife
eured: ♀ Madeleine von Frankreich , Paris (75)
eured: ♀ Marie de Guise , Holyrood (Edinburgh)
marvidigezh: 14 Kerzu 1542, Holyrood-Abtei, Edinburgh, Schottland
eured: ♀ w Margaret Erskine
titl: 10 Ebrel 1512, Stirling Castle, Stirling, Schottland, Krönung zum König von Schottland unter Regentschaft seiner Mutter u.a.
titl: 9 Gwengolo 1513, Falkland Palace, Fife
eured: ♀ Madeleine von Frankreich , Paris (75)
eured: ♀ Marie de Guise , Holyrood (Edinburgh)
marvidigezh: 14 Kerzu 1542, Holyrood-Abtei, Edinburgh, Schottland
♂ James Hamilton
titl: comte d'Arran
titl: Châtellerault (86), duc de Châtellerault
eured: ♀ Margaret Douglas
marvidigezh: 22 Genver 1575
titl: Châtellerault (86), duc de Châtellerault
eured: ♀ Margaret Douglas
marvidigezh: 22 Genver 1575