William Craig (De Lindsay) g. 1261 - Gwezenn klok
Ur pennad tennet eus Rodovid BR, ar c'helc'hgeriadur digor.
Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
Ar wezenn-mañ a vod: 41 tiegezh evit 131 a dud eus 28 lignez. 76 eus an dud-man az a d'ober ar strollad kreiz (diagentidi – den pennañ – diskennidi). Kuzhet eo 11 tiegezh gant 10 a dud.
== 1 ==
♀ Margaret Lamberton (de Lindsay)
ganedigezh: 1249, Lamberton Mordington Berwickshire
marvidigezh: 1274
marvidigezh: 1274
== 1 ==
♂ William More
ganedigezh: 1269, Kilmarnock, Scotland, Rowallan Castle
marvidigezh: 1348, Kilmarnock, Scotland, Rowallan Castle
marvidigezh: 1348, Kilmarnock, Scotland, Rowallan Castle
♀ Joanna Danzielstoun (de Mura)
ganedigezh: 1275, Kilmarnock, Scotland, Rowallan Castle
marvidigezh: 1330, Kilmarnock, Scotland, Rowallan Castle
marvidigezh: 1330, Kilmarnock, Scotland, Rowallan Castle
♂ Robert II von Schottland
ganedigezh: 2 Meurzh 1315, Paisley Renfrewshire
eured: ♀ Elizabeth Mure
eured: ♀ Eufemia O'Beolan de Ross
titl: 22 C'hwevrer 1371, Schottland, regent
marvidigezh: 19 Ebrel 1390, Dundonald, South Ayrshire, Schottland
eured: ♀ Elizabeth Mure
eured: ♀ Eufemia O'Beolan de Ross
titl: 22 C'hwevrer 1371, Schottland, regent
marvidigezh: 19 Ebrel 1390, Dundonald, South Ayrshire, Schottland
♀ Анабелла Драммонд (Стюарт)
ganedigezh: 1350, Stobhall, Perthshire, Scotland
titl: 1367, Scone (Perth and Kinross), Scotland, Scone Palace, Queen Consort of Scotland
eured: ♂ Джон Роберт III Скотський Стюарт
titl: 19 Ebrel 1390, Dunfermline
marvidigezh: 1402
titl: 1367, Scone (Perth and Kinross), Scotland, Scone Palace, Queen Consort of Scotland
eured: ♂ Джон Роберт III Скотський Стюарт
titl: 19 Ebrel 1390, Dunfermline
marvidigezh: 1402
♀ Margaret Graham
ganedigezh: 1334, Doune, Château de Doune
eured: ♂ Robert Stewart (1. Duke of Albany)
titl: 1361, Comtesse de Monteith et de Fife
marvidigezh: 1380
eured: ♂ Robert Stewart (1. Duke of Albany)
titl: 1361, Comtesse de Monteith et de Fife
marvidigezh: 1380
♀ Harriette(Muriella) Keith
titl: 4 Mae 1380, Comtesse de Monteith et de Fife
eured: ♂ Robert Stewart (1. Duke of Albany)
titl: 1394, Comtesse de Buchan
titl: 1398, Duchesse d'Albany
marvidigezh: 1449
eured: ♂ Robert Stewart (1. Duke of Albany)
titl: 1394, Comtesse de Buchan
titl: 1398, Duchesse d'Albany
marvidigezh: 1449
♂ James Douglas
ganedigezh: 1358, Castle Douglas, Galloway, Scotland
titl: Earl of Douglas
titl: Lord Dalkeith
marvidigezh: 19 Eost 1388, Otterburn (Northumberland), England
titl: Earl of Douglas
titl: Lord Dalkeith
marvidigezh: 19 Eost 1388, Otterburn (Northumberland), England
♀ Joan Beaufort
ganedigezh: 1406?, Westminster (Middlesex), England
titl: 2 C'hwevrer 1424, Dunbar (Scotland), East Lothian, Scotland, Dunbar Castle
eured: ♂ James I Stewart , Londres
eured: ♂ James Stewart (the Black Knight)
marvidigezh: 1445
titl: 2 C'hwevrer 1424, Dunbar (Scotland), East Lothian, Scotland, Dunbar Castle
eured: ♂ James I Stewart , Londres
eured: ♂ James Stewart (the Black Knight)
marvidigezh: 1445
♀ Janet Douglas of Dalkeith
ganedigezh: 1372?, Dalkeith, Midlothian, Schottland
eured: ♂ w John Hamilton (4th of Cadzow)
marvidigezh: 12 Mezheven 1410, Cadzow Castle, Lanarkshire, Schottland
eured: ♂ w John Hamilton (4th of Cadzow)
marvidigezh: 12 Mezheven 1410, Cadzow Castle, Lanarkshire, Schottland
♂ Alexander Forbes
ganedigezh: 1380, Aberdeenshire, Écosse, Forbes
titl: 1442, baron Forbes
marvidigezh: 1448
titl: 1442, baron Forbes
marvidigezh: 1448
♂ David Lindsay
ganedigezh: 1359, Glenesk Angusshire
marvidigezh: 12 Eost 1407, Castle Finhaven Angusshire
marvidigezh: 12 Eost 1407, Castle Finhaven Angusshire
♂ Archibald Douglas (4. Earl of Douglas)
ganedigezh: 1369?
titl: 4th Earl of Douglas (4-й граф Дуглас)
eured: ♀ Маргарита Стюарт
marvidigezh: 17 Eost 1424
titl: 4th Earl of Douglas (4-й граф Дуглас)
eured: ♀ Маргарита Стюарт
marvidigezh: 17 Eost 1424
♀ Marjorie Douglas
titl: 1400, Duchesse de Rothesay et Comtesse de Carrick et d'Atholl
eured: ♂ David de Rothesay
marvidigezh: 1420
eured: ♂ David de Rothesay
marvidigezh: 1420
♀ Maria van Gelre
ganedigezh: 1432
eured: ♂ Jakob II von Schottland , Edinburgh, Abadia de Holyrood
titl: 3 Gouere 1449, Edinburgh (Scotland), Reine d'Écosse, Holyrood
marvidigezh: 16 Du 1463
eured: ♂ Jakob II von Schottland , Edinburgh, Abadia de Holyrood
titl: 3 Gouere 1449, Edinburgh (Scotland), Reine d'Écosse, Holyrood
marvidigezh: 16 Du 1463
♂ Louis XI de France
ganedigezh: 3 Gouere 1423, Bourges, France
titl: 3 Gouere 1423, Bourges, Dauphin de France
eured: ♀ Margaret Stewart (Stuart) , Tours
eured: ♀ Carlota de Savoie , Chambéry
titl: 22 Gouere 1461, Roi de France
darvoud all: 15 Eost 1461, Reims, Sacre
titl: 1473 - 1483, vicomte de Thouars
marvidigezh: 30 Eost 1483, La Riche, France, Château de Plessis-lez-Tours
titl: 3 Gouere 1423, Bourges, Dauphin de France
eured: ♀ Margaret Stewart (Stuart) , Tours
eured: ♀ Carlota de Savoie , Chambéry
titl: 22 Gouere 1461, Roi de France
darvoud all: 15 Eost 1461, Reims, Sacre
titl: 1473 - 1483, vicomte de Thouars
marvidigezh: 30 Eost 1483, La Riche, France, Château de Plessis-lez-Tours
♂ Francis I de Dreux de Bretagne
ganedigezh: 14 Mae 1414, Vannes, Bretagne
eured: ♀ Yolande d'Anjou , Nantes
titl: 29 Eost 1442, Duc de Bretagne
eured: ♀ Isabel d'Écosse , Auray
marvidigezh: 18 Gouere 1450, Saint-Avé, Manoir de Plaisance
eured: ♀ Yolande d'Anjou , Nantes
titl: 29 Eost 1442, Duc de Bretagne
eured: ♀ Isabel d'Écosse , Auray
marvidigezh: 18 Gouere 1450, Saint-Avé, Manoir de Plaisance
♂ Sigmund d'Autriche-Tyrol
ganedigezh: 26 Here 1427, Innsbruck
titl: 1439, Duc d'Autriche Antérieure et Comte du Tyrol
eured: ♀ Eleonore von Schottland , Meran
titl: 1477, Archiduc d'Autriche Antérieure
eured: ♀ Catherina de Saxe
marvidigezh: 4 Meurzh 1496, Innsbruck
titl: 1439, Duc d'Autriche Antérieure et Comte du Tyrol
eured: ♀ Eleonore von Schottland , Meran
titl: 1477, Archiduc d'Autriche Antérieure
eured: ♀ Catherina de Saxe
marvidigezh: 4 Meurzh 1496, Innsbruck
♂ Людовик Савойский
titl: 5 Mezheven 1435 - 4 Here 1459, Граф Женевский
ganedigezh: 5 Mezheven 1436, Женева, или 1 Апрель 1437
eured: ♀ w Аnnabella d'Écosse
torr-dimeziñ: ♀ w Аnnabella d'Écosse
titl: 4 Here 1459 ≤ ? ≤ 1460, Король Кипра
marvidigezh: Eost 1482, Франция
ganedigezh: 5 Mezheven 1436, Женева, или 1 Апрель 1437
eured: ♀ w Аnnabella d'Écosse
torr-dimeziñ: ♀ w Аnnabella d'Écosse
titl: 4 Here 1459 ≤ ? ≤ 1460, Король Кипра
marvidigezh: Eost 1482, Франция
♂ William Sinclair (1st Earl of Caithness)
ganedigezh: 1410?
titl: барон Рослина
eured: ♀ Marjory Sutherland (Sinclair)
eured: ♀ Elizabeth Douglas
titl: 1422 - 1470, 3-й граф Оркни
titl: 1454 - 1456, Lord Chancellor of Scotland(лорд-канцлер Шотландии)
servij milourel: 1454 - 1456, лорд-адмирал Шотландии
titl: 1455 - 1476, 1st Lord Sinclair(1-й лорд Синклера)
titl: 1455 - 1476, 1st Earl of Caithness(1-й граф Кейтнесс)
marvidigezh: 1484?
titl: барон Рослина
eured: ♀ Marjory Sutherland (Sinclair)
eured: ♀ Elizabeth Douglas
titl: 1422 - 1470, 3-й граф Оркни
titl: 1454 - 1456, Lord Chancellor of Scotland(лорд-канцлер Шотландии)
servij milourel: 1454 - 1456, лорд-адмирал Шотландии
titl: 1455 - 1476, 1st Lord Sinclair(1-й лорд Синклера)
titl: 1455 - 1476, 1st Earl of Caithness(1-й граф Кейтнесс)
marvidigezh: 1484?
♀ Margarethe de Danemark
ganedigezh: 23 Mezheven 1456, Copenhague
titl: 10 Gouere 1469, Holyrood, Reine d'Écosse
eured: ♂ Яков III Стюарт , Holyrood
marvidigezh: 14 Gouere 1486, Stirling
titl: 10 Gouere 1469, Holyrood, Reine d'Écosse
eured: ♂ Яков III Стюарт , Holyrood
marvidigezh: 14 Gouere 1486, Stirling
♂ James Hamilton Hamilton (1. Lord Hamilton)
ganedigezh: 1415, Hamilton (South Lanarkshire), Cadzow Castle
titl: Lord Hamilton, First
titl: Lord Cadzow, 6th
eured: ♀ Euphemia Graham
eured: ♀ w Mary Stuart
marvidigezh: 6 Du 1479
titl: Lord Hamilton, First
titl: Lord Cadzow, 6th
eured: ♀ Euphemia Graham
eured: ♀ w Mary Stuart
marvidigezh: 6 Du 1479
♂ François II de Bretagne
ganedigezh: 23 Mezheven 1433, Clisson, France, Château de Clisson
titl: 2 Mezheven 1438, Lord of Hudan
eured: ♀ Marguerite de Bretagne , Vannes
titl: 26 Kerzu 1458, Lord of Châteauroux
titl: 26 Kerzu 1458, Comte de Montfort
eured: ♀ w Marguerite de Foix , Clisson
marvidigezh: 9 Gwengolo 1488, Couëron
titl: 2 Mezheven 1438, Lord of Hudan
eured: ♀ Marguerite de Bretagne , Vannes
titl: 26 Kerzu 1458, Lord of Châteauroux
titl: 26 Kerzu 1458, Comte de Montfort
eured: ♀ w Marguerite de Foix , Clisson
marvidigezh: 9 Gwengolo 1488, Couëron
♂ Jean II de Rohan
ganedigezh: 16 Du 1452
titl: Rohan, vicomte de Rohan
titl: Josselin, Graf von Porhöet
eured: ♀ Marie de Bretagne
marvidigezh: 1516
titl: Rohan, vicomte de Rohan
titl: Josselin, Graf von Porhöet
eured: ♀ Marie de Bretagne
marvidigezh: 1516
♀ Catherine Sinclair
titl: 1475, Duchesse d'Albany et Comtesse de March
eured: ♂ Alexander d'Albany
freuz-dimeziñ: ♂ Alexander d'Albany
eured: ♂ Alexander d'Albany
freuz-dimeziñ: ♂ Alexander d'Albany