Ross Kellis Donaldson g. 31 Eost 1917 a. a. 26 Meurzh 1979 - Gwezenn klok

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Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.

Ar wezenn-mañ a vod: 8 tiegezh evit 14 a dud eus 7 lignez. 7 eus an dud-man az a d'ober ar strollad kreiz (diagentidi – den pennañ – diskennidi). Kuzhet eo 1 tiegezh gant 1 a dud.

Lillian K. Seybold
ganedigezh: 23 Kerzu 1888, Ohio
annez: 1908, Springfield (Ohio), 1430 Clifton Avenue (1908-1916), Ohio
micher: 1911, Springfield (Ohio), teacher, Emerson Elementary School, 601 Selma Road, (1915-1916), Ohio
eured: William Conrad Donaldson , Clark County, Ohio, Etats Unis
marvidigezh: 1943
William Conrad Donaldson
ganedigezh: 20 Eost 1884, Pennsylvania, Etats Unis
micher: clergyman
derez: Reverend
eured: Lillian K. Seybold , Clark County, Ohio, Etats Unis
marvidigezh: 15 C'hwevrer 1967, Elk Grove Village, Cook County, Illinois, Etats Unis
== 2 ==
Sarah Sibylle Augusta Sophia von Sell
titl: 1923, baronne
ganedigezh: 10 Ebrel 1923, Potsdam, Neue Königsstrasse 28
micher: actrice
annez: 1926, Berlin, faubourg de Dahlem
darvoud all: 9 Du 1938, Eberswalde, boarding school
darvoud all: 1945, Allemagne, Fuite de Berlin pour joindre le territoire occupé par les troupes américaines. Durant cette fuite elle assassina un membre de la SS qui lui disait de retourner à Berlin parce qu'elle ne disposait pas de papier de passage.
micher: 1945, Allemagne, dressage de chevaux dans une académie militaire
micher: Gouere 1945, Hambourg, Ansagerin und Sprecherin beim britisch kontrollierten Radio (locutrice à la radio contrôlée par les autorités britanniques)
divroerezh: 7 Ebrel 1956, Hambourg
enbroerezh: 18 Ebrel 1956, New York
micher: 1958, New York, emploi à la NBC
divroerezh: 1958, New York, émigre avec son fils d'un premier mariage à New York
enbroerezh: 31 Kerzu 1958, New York
eured: Ross Kellis Donaldson , New York, Mount Kisco, Westchester County, New York, Etats Unies
annez: 1959, New York
dimeziadenn: Ross Kellis Donaldson
torr-dimeziñ: Ross Kellis Donaldson
micher: 1971, Wiesbaden, jusqu'en 1993 dans l'état-major de la croix rouge américaine dans l'hôpital de la force aérienne des États-Unis (U.S. Air Force Hospital)
eured: Emil Gustav Friedrich Martin Niemöller
darvoud all: 1989, conversion au judaïsme
annez: 1998, Doylestown (Pennsylvanie), 8-7 Aspen Way, Bucks Country, Pennsylvania 18901, Etats Unis
divroerezh: 1998, Etats Unis
Mary Ruth Budenz
ganedigezh: 22 Eost 1920, Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, Etats Unis
annez: 1930, Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, Etats Unis
eured: Ross Kellis Donaldson , Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, Etats Unies
annez: 1 Ebrel 1950, Bergenfield, 202 Howard Drive, Bergenfield, Bergen, New Jersey, Etats Unis
torr-dimeziñ: Ross Kellis Donaldson , Bradford, Florida, Etats Unis
marvidigezh: 27 Du 2004, Sunland-Tujunga, Los Angeles, California, Etats Unis
annez: 27 Du 2004, Sunland-Tujunga, 9637 Helen Avenue, Sunland, CA
Ross Kellis Donaldson
ganedigezh: 31 Eost 1917, Muncie, 1, East Ward Avenue - (Delaware County, Indiana)
annez: 1920, Muncie, Delaware, Indiana, Etats Unis
annez: 1930, Frankfort (Indiana), Etats Unis
annez: 1935, Bloomington (Indiana), Monroe, Indiana
servij milourel: 1940, Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, Etats Unis
annez: 1 Ebrel 1940, Indianapolis, North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Center, Marion, Indiana, United States
micher: 1 Ebrel 1940, Indianapolis, éditeur auprès d'un magazine
desaverezh: 1 Ebrel 1940, College 4 ans
eured: Mary Ruth Budenz , Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, Etats Unies
annez: 1 Ebrel 1950, Bergenfield, 202 Howard Drive, Bergenfield, Bergen, New Jersey, Etats Unis
micher: 1 Ebrel 1950, Bergenfield, vendeur (salesman) dans une publishing company
micher: 1 Gwengolo 1951, supervisor of literary rights and playing-reading for NBC
micher: Mezheven 1952, supervisor of the NBC script department for radio and television
micher: 6 Here 1952, NBC supervisor of rights and story
micher: 1954, NBC supervisor of NBC literary rights and story division teaches a course on writing for radio and television at the summer institute of Barnard College-NBC
micher: 12 Mae 1955, director of NBC's writing services and head of the literary rights and story division teaches writing at the fifth annual Summer Institute of Radio and Television, organized by Barnard College in collaboration with the National Broadcasting Company form June 27 to August 5.
micher: Kerzu 1955, Manager of Progam Submissions for NBC Television; before that, Manager of Writing Services for NBC-TV. Formerly supervisor of NBC's Literary Rights and Story divisions. Has been a free-lance writer, and has done editorial work for Little, Brown and Co., and was head of the college department at Farrar, Straus and at Simon und Schuster.
micher: 1 Genver 1956, New York, manager of the writing service at National Broadcasting Company Inc., RCA Building, New York 20
micher: Mezheven 1956, network executive
torr-dimeziñ: Mary Ruth Budenz , Bradford, Florida, Etats Unis
micher: 21 Gwengolo 1958, manager of program submissions
micher: 22 Gwengolo 1958, director script services
micher: 10 Here 1958, New York, Director for Television Evening Entertainment (RCA Building)
eured: Sarah Sibylle Augusta Sophia von Sell , New York, Mount Kisco, Westchester County, New York, Etats Unies
dimeziadenn: Sarah Sibylle Augusta Sophia von Sell
micher: 21 Genver 1959, New York, director of script services for NBC
micher: Genver 1962, NBC Director of Program Services
torr-dimeziñ: Sarah Sibylle Augusta Sophia von Sell
micher: 11 Eost 1968, New York, Director of Program Services, NBC-TV
micher: 12 Eost 1968, Vice-president, NBC program development, West Coast
micher: 1970, NBC president
douaridigezh: Meurzh 1979, Springfield (Ohio), Ferncliff cementery, Springfield, Clark County, Ohio, Etats Unis
marvidigezh: 26 Meurzh 1979
== 2 ==
Leigh Gordon Donaldson
ganedigezh: 1943, Massachusetts
eured: Dossie Ann Ritter
annez: 1 Ebrel 1950, Bergenfield, 202 Howard Drive, Bergenfield, Bergen, New Jersey, Etats Unis
eured: Doris A. Malone , Manhattan
Ty Donaldson
ganedigezh: 30 Eost 1968
Kyoko Donaldson
ganedigezh: New York
diplom: New York, Binghamton University, major environmental studies
eured: Palacio
annez: 2016, Portland
micher: 2017, Portland, visitor services coordinator, Hoyt Arboretum, Washington Park, Oregon
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