Kathren Bicknill - Taolenn an diskennidi

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Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
11/1 Kathren Bicknill [Bicknill]
ganedigezh: England
eured: <1> John Walker [Walker] , Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England


31/2 <1+1> Margaret Walker [Walker]
kristenadur: 2 Mezheven 1555, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
42/2 <1+1> John Walker [Walker]
douaridigezh: 6 C'hwevrer 1556, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
53/2 <1+1> Michael Walker [Walker]
kristenadur: 7 Gwengolo 1557, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
64/2 <1+1> William Walker [Walker]
kristenadur: 13 Here 1562, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Augustine Walker's mark
Augustine Walker's mark
25/2 <1+1> Augustine Wallkar [Walker]
eured: <2> Mary [?] a. a. < 1596
badeziant: 22 C'hwevrer 1564, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
eured: <3> Mary Stringer (Wallkar) [Stringer] c. 19 Genver 1568 dou. 26 Kerzu 1614, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
testamant: 19 Ebrel 1613, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
douaridigezh: 18 Eost 1614, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
===Last Will===

In the name of god amen The xixth daye of Aprill in the yeere of oure lord god .1613. and in the yeeres of the raigne of our sovraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Ireland the eleventh and of Sco[tla]nd the six and fortieth kinge defender of the faith. I Augustine Walker of much Amwell in the Com of Herts: yeoma[n] now beinge in good health and of p[er]¬fect memorie thankes be unto the lorde therefore; doe make and ordayne this my last Will & Tes¬tament, in manner and forme followinge (vizt) First I com[m]end my Soule into the hands of the Allmightie god my Creator, not doubtinge to obtayne free remission of my sines by and through the death and demeryts [sic] of my saviour Christ Jesus Alsoe I bequeath my bodie to xpian buriall, to be buried in the Church or Church yearde of much Amwell aforesaide, as to my Executrix shall be best beseemeinge And as touching the disposinge of such temporall goods wherewth the lorde hath endued mee I give and bequeath them in manner and forme as followeth (vizt) First I give & bequeath Unto my daughter Elizabeth Warren wife of Richard Warren Sixteene pounds of lawefull money of England, and unto her three Children Marcy, Ann and Sarey Warren Fower pounds of like Englishe money equally betwixt them three to be devyded and to be payde unto the saide Richard Warren to the use of the saide child[ren] and the survivour or survivours of them Alsoe I give to Thomas, John, and Frauncis Holland children of Thomas Holland & of my daugh¬ter Ann his wife, Twentie shillinges apeece, And unto that Childe, whether sone or daughter, wherewth the saide Ann is now conceyved Twenty shillinges Alsoe unto her the said Ann, wife of the saide Thomas Holland, Twenty shillinges wth severall Leagacies I will to be payed unto the saide Thomas Holland the Father to the use of his afore saide Wife & Children and the survyvor of them Alsoe I give to my daughter Mary Johnson Twenty shillinges Alsoe I give to Syrnon Ad¬ams sone of Symon Adams Citizen & drap[er] of London Twentie shillinges And to Dorothie his daughter Twentie shilling[s] and a Gymmoll-Ringe of gold wch was her mothers. Which Legacyes I will shalbe payed and delyvered unto the saide Symon Adams the Father, to thuse [i.e., the use] of his saide Children The rest & reasidue of my goods and Chattels, after my debts and Leagacyes payde & my Funerall charges discharged I give and bequeath as followeth (vizt) Thone [i.e., the one] half of my saide goods & chattells unto my afore saide daughter Elizabeth and her Children, to bepayde & delyvered unto them and the survivour or survivors of them or eyther of them after the decease of Marey my wife; And the residue (vizt) the other halfe of my goods & chattells unto the saide Marey my wife Ordayninge and makeing her the the [sic] saide Marey my Wife my full sole & only Executrix of this my last Will & Testamte, Orderinge & further ordayninge, that, half of that half p[ar]t of such my goods & chattells (as after my decease) shall remayne undispoosed in the hand or possession of Mary my now Wif: shall (after her death & decease) of right be due & belonginge Unto Elizab: Warren, Wife of thafore named Rich: Warren, my daughter or to her then lawefull survyvant heire or Assigne whatsoever Alsoe I give unto Thomas Hassall Vicar of much Amwell afore saide Tenn shillinges of lawefull englishe money to preach one Sermond at my funerall in Amwell Church afore saide Alsoe unto the poore of the saide Towne of much Amwell my Will is to have given and distributed at my buriall Five shillinges And I appoynte the afore named Symon Adams thelder Cittizen and drap[er] of London to be my lawefull Overseer of this my last will and Testament, And for his paynes therein to be taken I give him Tenn shillinges In wyttnesse whereof to this my last will & Testamte contayninge Only On[e] sheete The markes of Augustine Walker and twoe lynes of paper I have here unto sett my usuall marke & seale, the daye and yeeres first above written The marke of Augustine Walker. Signed & sealed in the p[rese]nce of us whose names are hereunto subscribed Thomas Holmested Thomas Robarts John Larke

19th Feb 1613
76/2 <1+1> Henrie Walker [Walker]
ganedigezh: 18 Gwengolo 1565, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
97/2 <1+1> Anne Walker [Walker]
kristenadur: 8 Meurzh 1568, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
88/2 <1+1> Miles Walker [Walker]
douaridigezh: 2 Gwengolo 1568, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
109/2 <1+1> John Walker [Walker]
kristenadur: 4 Gouere 1574, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England


131/3 <2+3> Mary Walker (Johnson) [Walker]
ganedigezh: Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
142/3 <2+2> Dorothy Walker (Grave, Symon) [Walker]
eured: <4> Symon Adams [Adams]
badeziant: 1573, Baldock, Hertfordshire, England
eured: <5> Edward Grave [Grave] , Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
douaridigezh: 6 Meurzh 1606, London, England
113/3 <2+2> Elizabeth Walker (Warren) [Walker]
ganedigezh: Gwengolo 1583, Baldock, Hertfordshire, England
eured: <6> Richard Warren [Warren] g. 1580 a. a. 1628, England
marvidigezh: 12 Here 1673, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
124/3 <2+3> Ann Walker (Holland) [Walker]


221/4 <12+7> Thomas Holland [Holland]
ganedigezh: England
232/4 <12+7> John Holland [Holland]
ganedigezh: England
253/4 <14+4> Symon Adams [Adams]
ganedigezh: England
264/4 <14+4> Dorothy Adams [Adams]
ganedigezh: England
165/4 <11+6> Mary Warren (Bartlett) [Warren]
ganedigezh: 1610, England
eured: <8> Robert Bartlett [Bartlett] g. 27 Mae 1603 a. a. 19 Gwengolo 1676 ≤ ? ≤ 29 Here 1676, Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 27 Meurzh 1683, Massachusetts
176/4 <11+6> Anna Warren (Little) [Warren]
ganedigezh: 1612, England
eured: <9> Thomas Little [Little] a. a. Meurzh 1672, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: >19 C'hwevrer 1676, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
187/4 <11+6> Sarah Warren (Cooke) [Warren]
ganedigezh: 1613, England
eured: <10> John Cooke [Cooke] a. a. 23 Du 1695, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 15 Gouere 1696, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), Province of Massachusetts Bay
198/4 <11+6> Elizabeth Warren (Church) [Warren]
ganedigezh: 1616, England
eured: <11> Richard Church [Church] g. 1608 a. a. 27 Kerzu 1668, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 9 Meurzh 1670, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
209/4 <11+6> Abigail Warren (Snow) [Warren]
ganedigezh: 1618, England
eured: <12> Anthony Snow [Snow] g. 8 Eost 1692, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 3 Genver 1693, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
1510/4 <11+6> Nathaniel Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 1624 ≤ ? ≤ 1625, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
eured: <13> Sarah Walker [Walker] a. a. 24 Du 1700, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 21 Here 1667, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
2111/4 <11+6> Joseph Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 1627, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
ganedigezh: 4 Mae 1689, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
eured: <14> Priscilla Faunce [Faunce] g. 1634
2412/4 <12+7> Francis Holland [Holland]


331/5 <15+13> Richard Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 1645, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 23 Genver 1697, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Middleborough
282/5 <18+10> Elizabeth Cooke (Wilcox) [Cooke]
ganedigezh: 6 Kerzu 1645, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
eured: <15> Daniel Wilcox [Wilcox] g. 4 Meurzh 1631 a. a. 2 Gouere 1702, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 6 Kerzu 1715, Tiverton (Rhode Island), Rhode Island Colony
343/5 <15+13> Jabez Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 1646, Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 17 Ebrel 1701, At Sea
354/5 <15+13> Sarah Alice Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 29 Eost 1649, Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 4 Meurzh 1692, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
305/5 <18+10> Esther Cooke (Taber) [Cooke]
ganedigezh: 16 Eost 1650, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
eured: <16> Thomas Taber [Taber] g. 1646, Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 17 Ebrel 1671, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
366/5 <15+13> Mary Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 29 Du 1651, Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 12 Mae 1734, Watertown (Massachusetts)
377/5 <15+13> Jane Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 31 Kerzu 1652, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
badeziant: 10 Genver 1653, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 27 C'hwevrer 1683, Barnstable (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
douaridigezh: 3 Meurzh 1683, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
388/5 <15+13> Elizabeth Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 5 Gwengolo 1654, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 10 Genver 1689, Sandwich (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
399/5 <15+13> Alice Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 2 Eost 1656, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 4 Meurzh 1692, Sandwich (Massachusetts), Massachusetts
2710/5 <15+13> Mercy Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 20 C'hwevrer 1658, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
eured: <17> Johnathan Delano [Delano] g. 1647? a. a. 28 Kerzu 1720, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: >6 Du 1727, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
4011/5 <15+13> Nathaniel Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 10 Meurzh 1661, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 29 Here 1707, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
4112/5 <15+13> John Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 23 Here 1663, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 9 Genver 1689, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
4213/5 <15+13> James Warren [Warren]
ganedigezh: 7 Du 1665, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
eured: <18> Sarah Doty [Doty] g. 9 Genver 1666 a. a. 17 Eost 1749, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
marvidigezh: 29 Genver 1715, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
2914/5 <18+10> Sarah Cooke (Hathaway) [Cooke]
3115/5 <18+10> Mary Cooke (Taber, Davis) [Cooke]
3216/5 <18+10> Mercy Cooke (West) [Cooke] 4317/5 <16+8> Joseph Bartlett [Bartlett]
4418/5 <19+11> Joseph Church [Church]


591/6 <30+16> Esther Taber (Perry) [Taber]
ganedigezh: Plymouth Colony
eured: <21> Samuel Perry [Perry] g. Meurzh 1667 a. a. 8 Eost 1751
462/6 <28+15> John Wilcox [Wilcox]
ganedigezh: 1658?, Little Compton (Rhode Island)
eured: <22> Rebecca Moshier [Moshier] g. 1680? a. a. 1725?, Portsmouth (Rhode Island), Newport County (Rhode Island)
marvidigezh: C'hwevrer 1718
473/6 <27+17> Daughter Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 25 Du 1679, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 28 Du 1679, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
484/6 <27+17> Jonathan Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 30 Genver 1680, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
eured: <23> Amey Hatch [Hatch] g. 10 Gouere 1687 a. a. 1 Mezheven 1762, Falmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 25 Meurzh 1752, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
(Judge Loren P Waldo "History of Tolland" says "Jonathan Delano town clerk of Tolland came from Dartmouth May 8-1722 as shown by deed to him of that date from Stephen Steele. He was town clerk 1724-36, & selectman 1724-'35. His records denote a man of superior english education as well as a most useful citizen)
495/6 <27+17> Jabez Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 8 Du 1682, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 23 Kerzu 1734
506/6 <27+17> Sarah Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 9 Genver 1684, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 27 C'hwevrer 1690
517/6 <27+17> Mercy Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 27 Here 1686, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 1734
528/6 <27+17> Nathan Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 29 Here 1688, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 17 Kerzu 1729, At Sea
539/6 <27+17> Bethiah Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 29 Du 1690, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 19 Gouere 1693, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
5410/6 <27+17> Susanna Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 3 Gwengolo 1693, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 20 Genver 1718, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
5511/6 <27+17> ? Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 22 Here 1694, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 22 Here 1694, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
5612/6 <27+17> Nathaniel Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 29 Here 1695, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 8 Ebrel 1770, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
5713/6 <27+17> Esther Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 4 Ebrel 1698, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 17 Kerzu 1720, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
4514/6 <27+17> Jethro Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 31 Gouere 1701, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
eured: <24> Elizabeth Pope [Pope] g. 3 Genver 1706, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 25 Gwengolo 1775 ≤ ? ≤ 9 C'hwevrer 1779, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
5815/6 <27+17> Thomas Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 10 Mae 1704, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
eured: <25> Jean Peckham [Peckham] g. 23 Genver 1703, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: > 1778, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
6016/6 <43> Hannah Bartlett (Sylvester) [Bartlett]


641/7 <46+22> Elizabeth Wilcox [Wilcox]
ganedigezh: 13 Kerzu 1702, Tiverton (Rhode Island)
eured: <26> Joseph Tripp [Tripp] g. 7 Genver 1696, Tiverton (Rhode Island), Newport County (Rhode Island)
722/7 <48+23> Sarah Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 18 Meurzh 1705, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 22 Here 1752, Tolland (Connecticut)
733/7 <48+23> Joan Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 16 Kerzu 1706, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 1707?, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
744/7 <48+23> Jabez Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 12 Genver 1708, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
755/7 <48+23> Nathan Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 1 Meurzh 1711, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
eured: <27> Ruth [?] , Tolland (Connecticut)
marvidigezh: 1774, Walpole (New Hampshire)
766/7 <48+23> Amy Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 11 Eost 1713, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
617/7 <48+23> Jonathan Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 2 Kerzu 1715, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
eured: <28> Anna Parker Ladd [Ladd] g. 31 Here 1734 a. a. 11 C'hwevrer 1816, Tolland (Connecticut)
marvidigezh: 28 Gwengolo 1811, Hartford (Connecticut)
Ancestral File (R)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
778/7 <48+23> Barnabas Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 11 Ebrel 1718, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 10 Here 1793, Tolland (Connecticut)
789/7 <48+23> Silvanus Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 19 Mae 1720, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 11 Gouere 1796, Kent (Connecticut)
7910/7 <48+23> Elizabeth Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 15 Meurzh 1722, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
8011/7 <48+23> Susannah Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 23 Mezheven 1724, Tolland (Connecticut)
eured: <29> Noah Grant [Grant] g. 12 Gouere 1718 a. a. 20 Gwengolo 1756, Tolland (Connecticut)
8112/7 <48+23> Thomas Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 24 Kerzu 1726, Tolland (Connecticut)
marvidigezh: 8 Gwengolo 1803, Sharon (Connecticut)
8413/7 <45+24> Experience Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 1 C'hwevrer 1728, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
6514/7 <58+25> Thomas Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 12 Eost 1729, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 1799, Nantucket, Massachusetts
8215/7 <48+23> Timothy Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 4 Du 1729, Tolland (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 12 Ebrel 1777, Tolland (Connecticut)
8516/7 <45+24> Bethiah Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 17 Meurzh 1730, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
ganedigezh: 16 Kerzu 1803, Middleboro (Massachusetts)
6617/7 <58+25> Abisha Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 9 Gouere 1731, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 19 Mezheven 1818
6218/7 <45+24> Nathan Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 22 C'hwevrer 1732, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
eured: <114!> Sarah Tripp [Tripp] g. 1730 a. a. < Kerzu 1787, Massachusetts
On July 28, 1789 Nathan Delano, yeoman of Dartmouth conveyed two acres of saltmarsh meadow on Sconticut Neck to John Sherman, yeoman of Rochester, for 16 pounds 4 shillings. On April 16. 1794 Nathan Delano, for the sum of 84 pounds of lawful money conveyed to Joseph Delano, cordwainer of Dartmouth, 14 acres of upland on the easterly side of Sconticut Neck. The deed was signed February 24, 1787 and recorded April 16, 1794
8319/7 <48+23> Jethro Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 23 Here 1732, Tolland (Massachusetts)
6720/7 <58+25> Ephraim Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 1 Eost 1733, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
eured: <30> Elizabeth Cushman [Cushman] g. 29 Gouere 1739 a. a. 24 Du 1809, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 14 Gouere 1815, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
6821/7 <58+25> Jabez Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 4 C'hwevrer 1734, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), Bristol County (Massachusetts)
8622/7 <45+24> Reuben Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 15 Mae 1734, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
6923/7 <58+25> Gideon Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 25 Gwengolo 1735, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), Bristol County (Massachusetts)
8724/7 <45+24> Calvin Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 20 Here 1736, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 2 Kerzu 1813, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
8825/7 <45+24> Deborah Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 11 Mae 1739, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: Quaker Hill (New York)
7026/7 <58+25> Deborah Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 14 Mezheven 1739, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), Bristol County (Massachusetts)
6327/7 <45+24> Sarah Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 14 Here 1741
7128/7 <58+25> Jane Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 3 Kerzu 1743, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), Bristol County (Massachusetts)
8929/7 <45+24> Esther Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 3 Ebrel 1744, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 20 Ebrel 1761, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
douaridigezh: 24 Ebrel 1761, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
9030/7 <45+24> Joshua Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 29 Genver 1746, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 20 Mae 1819
9131/7 <45+24> Jethro Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 17 Gwengolo 1749, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: Shot On Board, Ship At Sea
9232/7 <59+21> Mercy Perry [Perry]
9333/7 <59+21> Seth Perry [Perry]
9434/7 <59+21> Ebenezer Perry [Perry] 9535/7 <59+21> Thomas Perry [Perry]
9636/7 <59+21> Deborah Perry [Perry]
9737/7 <59+21> Elizabeth Perry [Perry]
9838/7 <59+21> Rebecca Perry [Perry]
9939/7 <59+21> Sarah Perry [Perry]
10040/7 <59+21> Mary Perry [Perry]
10141/7 <59+21> Nathan Perry [Perry] 10242/7 <60> Mary Sylvester (Ryder) [Sylvester]


1141/8 <64+26> Sarah Tripp [Tripp]
ganedigezh: 1730, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), or [[Place:Tiverton (Rhode Island)|Triverton (Rhode Island)]]
eured: <62!> Nathan Delano [Delano] g. 22 C'hwevrer 1732, Massachusetts
marvidigezh: < Kerzu 1787, Massachusetts
1302/8 <75+27> John Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 3 Kerzu 1732, Connecticut
1313/8 <75+27> Jabez Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 10 C'hwevrer 1734, Connecticut
1324/8 <75+27> Nathan Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 5 Genver 1739, Connecticut
1335/8 <75+27> Ruth Delano [Delano]
badeziant: 5 Mae 1743, Litchfield (Connecticut)
1366/8 <75+27> Abisha Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 1745, Connecticut
eured: <35> Joanna Hovey [Hovey] , Walpole (New Hampshire), by Elisha Marsh Esq
marvidigezh: 25 Eost 1802, Cornwall, Vermont, at 57 years old
The first knowledge we have of Abisha is in Walpole in settlement of his fathers estate. It was supposed that he lived at one time in Dummerstown Vt and that some of his children were born there, but none on record there. There is found Walpole records the births of 3 first children Vol 2, New Hampshire Rev Abisha Delano pay roll of Cololenl Benjamin Bellows Regt of Militia went and re-enforced garrison at Ticonderoga June 28-1777, Private. Received pay, £2 3d ss. Joanna's name on Walpole records is "Hannah Hovey"
1157/8 <80+29> Ной Грант [Гранты]
ganedigezh: 20 Mezheven 1748, Tolland (Connecticut)
marvidigezh: 4 Meurzh 1792, Greensburg (Pennsylvania)
eured: <36> Rachel Miller Kelly [Kelly] a. a. 10 Ebrel 1805, Greensburg (Pennsylvania)
1168/8 <62+114!> Rebecca Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 18 Here 1752, New Bedford (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 3 Mae 1802, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
1179/8 <62+114!> Thomas Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 18 Here 1752, New Bedford (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 24 C'hwevrer 1810, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
11810/8 <62+114!> Joseph Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 4 Gouere 1754, New Bedford (Massachusetts)
10811/8 <61+28> Jabez Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 1 Gouere 1755, Tolland (Connecticut)
marvidigezh: 1817, Savanah (Georgia)
Ancestral File (R)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
11912/8 <62+114!> Thankful Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 8 C'hwevrer 1756, New Bedford (Massachusetts)
ganedigezh: 28 Meurzh 1814, Waterford (Vermont)
10913/8 <61+28> Jonathan Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 10 Eost 1757, Tolland (Connecticut)
marvidigezh: 16 Ebrel 1835, Stowe
Patrom:Place name error Ancestral File (R)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
12014/8 <62+114!> Eliashib Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 15 Genver 1758, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: Hampden (Maine)
12115/8 <62+114!> Jethro Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 15 Genver 1758, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
11016/8 <61+28> Anne Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 11 Eost 1759, Coventry (Connecticut)
Patrom:NeedsourcesAncestral File (R)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
12217/8 <62+114!> Esther Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 18 Ebrel 1760, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: young & single
10518/8 <61+28> Phillip Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 14 Genver 1761, Coventry (Connecticut)
marvidigezh: 18 Eost 1848, New Haven (Connecticut)
Ancestral File (R)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
12319/8 <62+114!> Elizabeth Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 13 Ebrel 1762, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: young & single
11120/8 <61+28> Esther Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 13 Eost 1764, Amenia (town New York)
marvidigezh: 1837, Richford (Vermont)
Patrom:NeedsourcesAncestral File (R)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
12421/8 <62+114!> John Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 2 Here 1765, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
ganedigezh: 2 Du 1815, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
10622/8 <61+28> Zebulon Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 19 C'hwevrer 1767, Amenia (town New York)
Patrom:NeedsourcesAncestral File (R)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
12523/8 <62+114!> Reuben Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 7 Eost 1767, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
11224/8 <61+28> Clarinda Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 10 Mezheven 1769, Tolland (Connecticut)
marvidigezh: 23 Kerzu 1854, Tunbridge (Vermont)
Patrom:Needsources Ancestral File (R)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
12625/8 <62+114!> Abraham Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 6 Kerzu 1771, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: Young
Capitán Paul Délano,
Capitán Paul Délano,
11326/8 <62+114!> Paul Jefferson Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 15 Mezheven 1775, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
eured: <37> Ann Ferguson [Ferguson] g. 5 Du 1774 a. a. 24 Eost 1847, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 4 C'hwevrer 1842, Talcahuano, Chile
10727/8 <61+28> Hibbard Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 26 Eost 1776, Tolland (Connecticut)
marvidigezh: 28 C'hwevrer 1863, Hendricks County (Indiana)
Ancestral File (R)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
10428/8 <67+30> Warenne Delano [Delano]
ganedigezh: 28 Here 1779, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
eured: <38> Deborah Church [Church] g. 21 Meurzh 1783 a. a. 7 Eost 1827, New Bedford (Massachusetts), Bristol County (Massachusetts)
marvidigezh: 25 Gwengolo 1866, Fairhaven (Massachusetts)
Patrom:NeedsourcesAncestral File (R)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
10329/8 <61+28> Margaret Delano (Ingalls) [Delano]
eured: <39> Samuel Ingalls [Ingalls] g. 11 Gouere 1771 a. a. 15 C'hwevrer 1841, Hartford (Vermont)
12730/8 <94> Samuel Perry [Perry] 12831/8 <78> Anna Delano (Johnson) [Delano]
12932/8 <102> Maria Ryder (Fuller) [Ryder] 13433/8 <75+27> Sarah Delano [Delano]
13534/8 <75+27> Olive Delano [Delano]
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