Galéran de Beaumont - Taolenn an diskennidi

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Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
11/1 <?> Galéran de Beaumont [Beaumont-le-Roger]
eured: <1> Alice d'Harcourt [Harcourt]
eured: <2> Margery d'Oilly [Oilly]
titl: 1184 - 1203, Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
4e comte de Warwick


31/2 <1+2> Henri II de Beaumont [Beaumont-le-Roger]
eured: <3> Phillipa Basset [Basset]
titl: 1203 - 1229, Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
5e comte de Warwick
22/2 <1+1> Alice de Beaumont [Beaumont-le-Roger]


51/3 <2+?> William Mauduit (Comte de Warwick) [Mauduit]
titl: baron Hanslope
titl: Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
marvidigezh: 1257
42/3 <2+?> Isabel Maudouit (de Beauchamp) [Mauduit]
ganedigezh: Hanslope, Buckinghamshire, England
eured: <4> w Guillaume de Beauchamp [Beauchamp] g. 1215? a. a. 7 Genver 1269
marvidigezh: 1268
63/3 <3+3> Margerie de Beaumont (Comtesse de Warwick) [Beaumont-le-Roger]


71/4 <4+4> Guillaume de Beauchamp (Comte de Warwick) [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: 1238, Warwick (Angleterre)
titl: Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
eured: <6> w Maud FitzJohn [Lutegareshale] g. 1238 a. a. 18 Ebrel 1301
marvidigezh: 5 Mezheven 1298, Elmley Castle, royaume d'Angleterre
92/4 <4+4> John Beauchamp (of Holt, Worcestershire) [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: 1297?
83/4 <4+4> Walter Beauchamp (of Powick and Alcester) [Beauchamp]
marvidigezh: 1303


121/5 <7+6> w Isabel de Beauchamp (Daughter of 1st Earl Warwick) [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: 1263, Warwickshire, England
marvidigezh: 1306
102/5 <7+6> Guy de Beauchamp (Comte de Warwick) [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: 1272?
titl: Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
eured: <7> w Alice de Tosny [Tosny] g. 1284? a. a. 1 Genver 1323, 2
marvidigezh: 12 Eost 1315
douaridigezh: abbaye de Bordesley
133/5 <8+?> Roger Beauchamp [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: 1301, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, Bedfordshire, England

Patrom:Needsources BARONY of BEAUCHAMP of Bletsoe

Roger Beauchamp, of Bletsoe, co. Bedford, and of Lydirard Tregoz, Wilts, sometimes said to be a younger son of Giles Beauchamp (living 1346), son of Walter Beauchamp, of Powick, co. Worcester, who was a younger son of William Beauchamp, of Elmley, by Isabel Mauduit, heiress of the Earls of Warwick. He is described as King's Yeoman on 24 Apr 1337. Keeper of Devizes Castle, granted to him be Queen Philippe as "her bachelor", 26 Oct 1340. As early as 1346 he served in the French wars; was made CAPTAIN OF CALAIS in 1372. He was summoned to Parliament from 1 Jun 1363 to 20 Oct 1379, by writs directed Rogero de Bello Campo, whereby he may be held to have become LORD BEAUCHAMP. He was Lord Chamberlain of the Household 1376-77.

He m., 1stly, before 1336/7 (on 6 Jan 1248/9 the manor of Lydiard Tregoz was confirmed to him and his wife), Sybil, 1st of the four sisters and coheirs of Sir William PATSHULL, daughter of Sir John PATSHULL, of Bletsoe aforesaid, by Mabel, daughter and in her issue coheir of William de GRANDSON [LORD GRANDSON], of Lydiard Tregoz. She, who was living 26 Oct 1351, was buried at the Blackfriars, London. Esch. 1359. He m., 2ndly, Margaret. He d. 3 Jan 1379/80. Will dated 19 Dec 1379, reg. at Lincoln, directing his burial to be at the Blackfriars (ax). His 2nd wife survived him. [Complete Peerage II:44-45, XIV:75]

His will shows that his grandfather was Sir Walter Beauchamp.

Note [by Douglas Richardson]: Roger de Beauchamp is typically identified in print as the son of Giles de Beauchamp, Knt., of Alcester and Powick. This parentage is not possible, as Giles and Roger are known to have been contemporaries to one another. Roger's will dated 1379 states that he was "bound to do a service on the Infidels, by devise of my grandsire, Sir Walter Beauchamp, to the expense of 200 marks." [Reference: Nicolas, Testamenta Vetusta, 1 (1826): 103-104]. The name Walter de Beauchamp is evidently a scribal error. Rather, Roger's grandfather appears to have been William de Beauchamp, whose 1269 will left a bequest (or devise) of 200 marks to his son, Walter, for the purpose of making a piligrimage [Reference: N.H. Nicolas, Testamenta Vestusta, 1 (1826): 50-51]. Identifying Roger as Walter's son and William's grandson fits the known chronology of this family. It also agrees with the 1566 Visitation of Bedfordshire cited below which records Roger as Walter's son and William's grandson.
114/5 <8+?> Giles Beauchamp (of Alcester & Powyke) [Beauchamp]
marvidigezh: Here 1361
145/5 <7> Sarah Beauchamp [Beauchamp]


151/6 <12+?> w Maud Chaworth [Chaworth]
ganedigezh: 2 Eost 1282
titl: 1297, Comtesse de Lancastre
eured: <8> Henry Plantagenet (3. Earl of Lancaster) [Plantagenet] g. 1281 a. a. 22 Gwengolo 1345
marvidigezh: 1322
162/6 <10+7> Thomas de Beauchamp [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: 14 C'hwevrer 1312, Warwick (Angleterre), château de Warwick
titl: comte de Warwick
eured: <9> Catherine Mortimer (Beauchamp) [Mortimer] g. 1314 a. a. 4 Eost 1369 ≤ ? ≤ 6 Gwengolo 1369
marvidigezh: 13 Du 1369, Calais (62), royaume de france (peste)
douaridigezh: Warwick (Angleterre)
223/6 <12+?> w Philip le Despenser [Despenser]
eured: <10> Margaret de Goushill (de Gousille) [Goushill]
marvidigezh: 24 Gwengolo 1313
184/6 <12+?> w (Sir) Hugh Despenser (the Younger) [Despencer]
marvidigezh: 24 Du 1326
205/6 <13+?> Roger Beauchamp [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: 1338, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
216/6 <14+?> (Sir) Gilbert Talbot (1st Baron, Lord Chamberlain) [Talbot]
marvidigezh: 1346
197/6 <10+7> Maud Beauchamp [Beauchamp]
marvidigezh: 1366
178/6 <11> w Roger Beauchamp (1st Lord of Bletsoe) [Beauchamp]
eured: <11> Catherine de Bures [Bures]
marvidigezh: 3 Genver 1379


261/7 <15+8> Maud de Lancastre [Lancastre]
ganedigezh: 1305, Knockin, Shropshire
marvidigezh: 1344, Oswestry, Shropshire
352/7 <15+8> Henry of Grosmont (1. Duke of Lancaster) [Lancaster]
ganedigezh: 1310?, Grosmont (Monmouthshire), Grosmont Castle
eured: <12> Isabella de Beaumont [Бриенн]
marvidigezh: 23 Meurzh 1361
243/7 <15+8> Joan de Lancastre [Lancastre]
ganedigezh: 1312
marvidigezh: 1345
384/7 <22+10> Philip Despenser [Despenser]
ganedigezh: 6 Ebrel 1313
eured: <13> Joan de Cobham [Cobham]
marvidigezh: Eost 1349
235/7 <15+8> w Элеонора Ланкастерская Plantagenet [Plantagenet]
ganedigezh: 11 Gwengolo 1318
niver a euredoù: 1-й муж Джон де Бомонт, 2-й барон Бомонт
niver a euredoù: 2-й муж Ричард Фицалан, 10-й граф Арундел
eured: <14> w Richard FitzAlan [FitzAlan] g. 1306 a. a. 24 Genver 1326
eured: <15> w John de Beaumont [Бриенн] g. 1318 a. a. 1342
marvidigezh: 11 Genver 1372
276/7 <16+9> Thomas de Beauchamp (Comte de Warwick) [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: <16 Meurzh 1338, Warwick (Angleterre)
titl: Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
marvidigezh: 8 Ebrel 1401, Londres
297/7 <18> w Edward Despencer (of Buckland) [Despencer]
marvidigezh: 30 Gwengolo 1342
378/7 <16+9> William Beauchamp [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: 1343
titl: baron Bergavenny
eured: <16> w Joan FitzAlan [FitzAlan] g. 1375 a. a. 14 Du 1435
marvidigezh: 8 Genver 1411
douaridigezh: Hereford (Royaume-Uni), cathédrale de Hereford
329/7 <16+9> Philippa Beauchamp [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: <1 Meurzh 1351
eured: <17> w Hugh Stafford [Stafford] a. a. 1386
marvidigezh: <6 Ebrel 1386
3410/7 <21+?> (Sir) Richard Talbot (2nd Baron) [Talbot]
marvidigezh: 1356
3011/7 <16+9> Guy Beauchamp [Beauchamp]
eured: <18> Philippa Ferrers (of Groby) [Ferrers] a. a. < Eost 1384
darvoud all: 28 Ebrel 1360, dvp
3312/7 <20> Roger Beauchamp (of Bletso) [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: 1362
marvidigezh: 3 Mae 1406
3613/7 <15+8> w Mary of Lancaster [Lancaster]
eured: <19> w Henry Percy (3. Baron Percy) [Percy] g. 1321 a. a. 1361
marvidigezh: 1 Gwengolo 1362
2814/7 <17+11> Roger Beauchamp (of Bletsoe) [Beauchamp]
eured: <20> Joane Clayton [Clayton]
eured: <21> Sibyl Patshull [Patshull] a. a. 27 Gwengolo 1359
marvidigezh: 1374
2515/7 <16+9> Maud FizThomas (Beauchamp) [Beauchamp]
3116/7 <19+?> Joan de Say [Saye]


611/8 <37+16> w Richard Beauchamp [Beauchamp]
titl: comte de Worcester
eured: <22> w Isabel le Despenser [Despenser] g. 26 Gouere 1400 a. a. 1439
462/8 <26+?> Roger LeStrange [LeStrange]
ganedigezh: 1327, Knockin, Shropshire, England
marvidigezh: 23 Ebrel 1382, Kenewyleswode, Wales
423/8 <29> w Edward le Despencer [Despenser]
ganedigezh: 24 Meurzh 1335
titl: Baron le Despencer
titl: Knight of the Garter
marvidigezh: 11 Du 1375
564/8 <35+12> w Matilda Plantagenet (Countess of Leicester) [Lancaster]
ganedigezh: 4 Ebrel 1339, Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire
eured: <23> Wilhelm I von Bayern [Wittelsbach] g. 1330 a. a. 15 Ebrel 1388
marvidigezh: 10 Ebrel 1362
575/8 <23+15> w Henry de Beaumont [Бриенн]
ganedigezh: 1340
titl: барон
darvoud all: (3-й барон Бомонт)
eured: <24> Margaret de Vere [Vere] a. a. 1398
marvidigezh: 1369
446/8 <24+?> w John de Mowbray (4. Baron Mowbray) [Mowbray]
ganedigezh: 24 Mezheven 1340
titl: -, baron Mowbray
eured: <25> Elizabeth de Segrave [Segrave] g. 25 Here 1338 a. a. 1368
marvidigezh: 17 Mezheven 1368
407/8 <36+19> w Henry de Percy (1. Earl of Northumberland) [Percy]
ganedigezh: 10 Du 1341, Alnwick, Northumberland, England, Alnwick Castle
eured: <26> Margaret Neville [Neville] g. 12 C'hwevrer 1341 a. a. 12 Mae 1372, Brancepeth, Durham, England
marvidigezh: 19 C'hwevrer 1408, Bramham (West Yorkshire), Battle of Bramham Moor
608/8 <38+13> w Philip le Despenser [Despenser]
ganedigezh: 18 Here 1342, Gedney (Lincolnshire)
titl: baron le Despenser
marvidigezh: 4 Eost 1401
399/8 <35+12> Blanche Lancaster [Lancaster]
ganedigezh: 25 Meurzh 1345, Bolingbroke Castle, Lindsey, Lincolnshire, England
eured: <27> John of Gaunt (1. Duke of Lancaster) [Plantagenet] g. 6 Meurzh 1340 a. a. 3 C'hwevrer 1399, Abtei Reading
titl: 19 Mae 1359, London, Comtesse de Richmond
titl: 1361, Comtesse de Lancastre, de Derby, de Lincoln et de Leicester
titl: 13 Du 1362, London, Duchesse de Lancastre
marvidigezh: 12 Gwengolo 1369, England
dau of Henry, Duke of Lancaster
5310/8 <23+14> w Richard FitzAlan (11. Earl of Arundel) [FitzAlan]
ganedigezh: 1346
eured: <28> w Elizabeth de Bohun [Bohun] g. 1350? a. a. 3 Ebrel 1385, avec dispense papale
marvidigezh: 21 Gwengolo 1397
4111/8 <23+14> w John FitzAlan (1st Lord Arundel) [FitzAlan]
ganedigezh: 1348
titl: 1377, Baron of Arundel
marvidigezh: 16 Kerzu 1379
4512/8 <23+14> w Alice FitzAlan [FitzAlan]
ganedigezh: 1350?
eured: <29> w Thomas Holland (2. Earl of Kent) [Holland] g. 1350 a. a. 25 Ebrel 1397
marvidigezh: 17 Meurzh 1416
4313/8 <25+?> Catherine Clifford [Clifford]
ganedigezh: 1358, Ravensworth (England), Yorkshire (England)
eured: <30> Ralph Greystoke [Greystoke] g. 18 Here 1353 a. a. 6 Ebrel 1418
marvidigezh: 23 Ebrel 1413, Ravensworth (England), Yorkshire (England)
5014/8 <31+?> (Sir) William Fiennes [Fiennes]
ganedigezh: 1359, Herstmonceux, East Sussex, England, Herstmonceux Castle
5815/8 <25+?> w Thomas Clifford [Clifford]
ganedigezh: 1363c
eured: <31> Elizabeth de Ros [Ros]
marvidigezh: 1391
5116/8 <32+17> Margaret Stafford [Stafford]
ganedigezh: 1367?
marvidigezh: 1395
4717/8 <27+?> Richard de Beauchamp [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: 28 Genver 1381, Warwick (Angleterre)
titl: Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
titl: comte d'Albemarle
titl: comte d'Aumale
eured: <22!> w Isabel le Despenser [Despenser] g. 26 Gouere 1400 a. a. 1439
marvidigezh: 30 Ebrel 1439, Rouen (76)
5518/8 <34+?> Gilbert Talbot (3rd Baron) [Talbot]
marvidigezh: 24 Ebrel 1387
5919/8 <37+16> w Joan de Beauchamp [Beauchamp]
ganedigezh: 1396
eured: <32> w James Butler [Butler] g. 23 Mae 1393 a. a. 23 Eost 1452
marvidigezh: 3 Eost 1430
douaridigezh: Londres, Hôpital Saint Thomas d'Acre
5420/8 <33+?> John Beauchamp (of Bletsoe) [Beauchamp]
testamant: 10 Kerzu 1414
4821/8 <25+?> Margaret Clifford [Clifford]
4922/8 <28+20> Margaret Beauchamp (of Bletsoe) [Beauchamp] 5223/8 <32+17> w Katherine de Stafford [Stafford]
eured: <34> Michael de la Pole [La Pole] g. 1367 a. a. 1415
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