Kermes (Kormesiy) Duōlù

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Lignez Dulo Clan
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Anv a-bezh d'ar c'hanedigezh Kermes (Kormesiy) Duōlù
Kentanvioù all Gorm, Guram

Tervel ? (Tervel of Bulgaria) [Dulo Clan] a. a. 721

Анастасия Византийская [Геракловы]

Wiki-pajenn wikipedia:Kormesiy of Bulgaria


bugel: w Sigvard (Sevar) Dulo [Dulo Clan]

715 ≤ ? ≤ 721 titl: Bulgar Khan


  1. Ja'far Tarikh - Kermes (i.e., Kormesiy) as the son of Tarvil (i.e., Tervel), and as the successor of Tarvil's brother Ajjar (otherwise unknown, but possibly the first of the lost names of the Imennik).

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