Victoria (Voadicia) Verch Prasutagus g. < 45 - Taolenn an diskennidi

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Ezhomm en deus hor servijer eus kalz loazioù evit diskwel gwezennoù bras. Setu perak ne c'hall gwelout an arvererien dizanv nemet 7 remziad diagentidi ha 7 remziad diskennidi en ur wezenn. Ma vennit gwelout ul lignez a-bezh hep enskrivadur, ouzhpennit an testenn ?showfulltree=yes e dibenn chomlec'h URL ar bajenn-mañ. Mar plij, ne lakait e neblec'h all ebet ul liamm eeun ouzh ur wezenn a-bezh.
11/1 <?+?> Victoria (Voadicia) Verch Prasutagus [Iceni]
ganedigezh: < 45, Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England)
titl: Princess of the Iceni
eured: <1> Gaius Marius [Britains] g. < 45
Patrom:NeedsourcesThis person is not the same as Cartimandua who was her cousin by marriage.


31/2 <1> Claudia Rufina [?]
ganedigezh: > 50
deskrivadur fizikel: Red Hair
eured: <2> Aula Caesius Nasicus (Pudens) [Aula] g. 35?

She is probably identical with the "Claudia Peregrina" ("Claudia the Foreigner") whose marriage to his friend Aulus Pudens, an Umbrian centurion to whom several of his poems are addressed, Martial describes in Epigrams IV:13. She may also be the Claudia whose height Martial compares to the Palatine colossus, a gigantic statue that once stood near the Palatine Hill (Epigrams VIII:60). The second epistle to Timothy in the New Testament contains a passage which reads "Eubulus saluteth thee, and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and all the brethren."

The cognomen Rufina indicates that she had red hair
52/2 <1+1> Coellius I ? (Marcus Roscius Coelius) [?]
ganedigezh: 50?
micher: 68, Legate of the Legio XX Valeria Victrix, Britain
titl: 95 ≤ ? ≤ 154, King of Britain
43/2 <1> Tiberius Claudius Marius (Rufus) [Gens Marii]
ganedigezh: Siluria
relijion: Brittany
marvidigezh: 170
Patrom:NeedsourcesRoman soldier from Silesia, not to be confused with Coel of Winchester. Croilus was either the son or grandson of Gaius Marius Silurius of the Roman family of gens Marii, else Croilus himself had a son of the same name. It is almost certain that there are three generations represented by the same two men, but in which capacity. Croilus is sometimes referred to as "The old" or "The Elder" which could indicate that he had a son with whom he has since been conflated to create a single person with an exceptionally long life for the time period (nearly 100 years old at time of death). There is however no reference to be found at this time of a son by the same name. It has also been suggested that his Father/Grandfather was named Gaius Marius Silures whose son Gaius Marius Secundus was the father of Croilus. That too cannot be proven at this time, which leads one to make an educated guess one way or another. The Silurian tribe of Britain was formed around the local garrison of soldiers imported from Silures. This is true of many of the "British local tribes" who became designated according to the largely tribal affiliation of the local Roman Garrison. Croilus Marius' Father/Grandfather Gaius Marius was a half brother to Claudia Rufina (aka Claudia Peregrina Rufina) who is mentioned in the letters of Paul the Apostle as an early devotee and supporter of the Christian movement.
24/2 <1+1> Eurgaine vch Marius (de Camulod) [Marius]


71/3 <2+3> Filimer Halmalicus [Baiovarii]
ganedigezh: Camulodunum, Brittania
annez: Spala, Poland
82/3 <3+2> Quintus Petilius Cerialis Caesius Rufus Caesere [Aula]
darvoud all: Commander of the XIIII Gemina, stationed in the difficult province of Germania Inferior.
darvoud all: 69, As a relative of Vespasian, Cerialis was made a hostage by Vitellius during 69
micher: 71, Governor of Britain

Founder of the Royal line of East Anglia, His name means Petillius V Caesius Rufus (Cassius the Red). He was referred to by the Germans as Tetmus/TethysPatrom:Ref!

Tacitus says that he was a bold soldier rather than a careful general, and preferred to stake everything on the issue of a single engagement. He possessed natural eloquence of a kind that readily appealed to his soldiers. His loyalty to his superiors was unshakable.

In Anglo Saxon sourcesPatrom:Ref! he is called Casere the son of Odin. His names indicatesWhy? he is the 5th son of Caesius and the adopted son of Petalus and that he had red hair. There is recordPatrom:Ref! of a son Tytmon of Anglia.
63/3 <5> Althildis Maria [Gens Marii]
ganedigezh: 90?
titl: Princesa da Britania
marvidigezh: 129
94/3 <3+2> Audenius Aula (Gellus, Angoulus) [Aula]
ganedigezh: 95?, Brittania Minorus
annez: Athens (Greece)
annez: Dacia


This Auden belongs to the family of Aulus and is the grandson of Person:149368. He was a lawyer who spent at least a year in Athens and wrote Noctes Atticae [Attic nights], a collection of discussions of law, antiquities, and sundry other subjects in 20 books (of which 19 and a fraction survive). The work is chiefly valuable as a storehouse of quotations from lost works.

There are many meanings of the names "kagan" or "khakan". It was a "heavenly thunder", a "Divine Voice", a "song by priest with accompaniment of tambourine and a drum", a "melody in honour of the God, Alps (at a pagan feast) and raisings of a Khan to the throne", a "cleric - cantor of pagan songs"... As Audan was the cantor of priestly songs, he was called "Kagan". The descendants of the Alp, the Bulgarian Kans, gave this word the meaning of an imperial title, after

which the word "Kagan" ("Khakan") began to also mean "Kagan", "Kan"...[Hon Kitaby]
125/3 <5+13!> Claudia Emerita [?]
marvidigezh: 148
116/3 <5+13!> Lucius ? (Coelinus, Saint Luke) [?]
titl: 155 ≤ ? ≤ 184, King of Britain
107/3 <4> Croilus Marius (Secundus) [Gens Marii]
titl: Governor of Phoenicia
titl: Governor of Greece (under Macrinus)
marvidigezh: 8 Mezheven 218
Nominated by Vettulenus Laetus in 100 AD for exceptional service to Rome in Ellis and Olympia where he is named officially as the victorius pankratiastus Tiberius Claudius Rufus [Secundus].
138/3 <4> Claudia ? (Daughter of Tiberius Claudius) [?]


141/4 <6+?> Clodomir IV [Austrasie]
ganedigezh: < 107
titl: Rei dos Francos Salianos
marvidigezh: 166
182/4 <9> Anaryd (Anarith) ? (of Anglia, ap Auden, Angoulus) [?]
ganedigezh: 130, Dacia Minorus
153/4 <7> Filogud Filmericus ? (Gothicus) [?]
164/4 <8> Caecina Aula Caesere [?]
175/4 <8> Titus (Taetman) Caesius (of Anglia) [Aula]
196/4 <12+?> Brywlais ? (Britguenni) [?]
207/4 <11+?> Gwladys [?]


221/5 <14+?> Nicanor [Austrasie]
titl: Rei da Frisia
232/5 <14+?> Roricus [Austrasie]
titl: Principe dos Francos Salianos
253/5 <16> Lucius Aulus Caecina Alienus ? (Caesere) [?]
ganedigezh: Vicenza, Italy
micher: Questore di Hispanicus Baeticus
darvoud 1: Prosecuted for embezzling public money
darvoud 2: Defeated Otho at the battle of Bedriacum (Betriacum)
marvidigezh: 79, Condemned to Death by Titus
Caecina is described by Tacitus as a man of handsome presence and boundless ambition, a gifted orator and a great favourite with the soldiers, but seemed to have problems remaining loyal to anyone but his own ambitions.
214/5 <14+?> Farabert [Austrasie]
ganedigezh: 122, Austrasia, França
titl: Rei dos Francos Salianos
marvidigezh: 186
275/5 <18> Gurdomnon ap Anarydd (of Dumnonia) [Angoulus]
ganedigezh: 165, Dacia Minorus
246/5 <15> Arigis Filgudicus ? (Gothicus) [?]
267/5 <17> Trygils ? (Anglia) [?]


291/6 <24> Amala ? (Amela, Arigisicus) [?]
ganedigezh: 120


The true hereditary right to the Gothic sceptre was vested in the Amali; but those princes, who were the vassals of the Huns, commanded the tribes of the Ostrogoths in some distant parts of Germany or Scythia.
312/6 <27+?> Gwyrdol (Eidol) ? (ap Gurdumnon, The Druid, Dumnonii) [?]
ganedigezh: 210
283/6 <21> Sunno (Huano) [Austrasie]
ganedigezh: Austrasia, França
titl: Rei dos Francos Salianos
marvidigezh: 213
304/6 <26> Hrothmund ? (Anglia) [?]
325/6 <27> Domnia The Dobrogean (of Dumnonia) [Langbardi]


331/7 <28> Hilderic [Francos Salianos]
ganedigezh: 160, Cologne, Germany, Westfalen
titl: Rei dos Francos Salianos
marvidigezh: 253, Hilderberg Castle
362/7 <32+?> Papiria Celena ? (Penasgel, Verch Gurdomnus, Perreni) [?]
ganedigezh: 180, Domnonia
Patrom:Place name error


Was legalized as a Roman Citizen by virtue of the Plautia Papiria (naturalization treaty)which allowed wives of Roman Citizens to become Citizens of the Empire. The treaty only extended to spouses but not to childrenPatrom:Ref!.

Papira was a descendant (granddaughter or great granddaughter) of Marcus Aelius CelerPatrom:Ref! who together with Aulus Plautius, the first Roman Governor of Britain, put down a slave revolt in Apulia in 34 AD.

Vch Gurdomnus indicates maternal parentage.
383/7 <31> Cursalem ? (Flavius Julius Eucherius, AltClut) [?]
ganedigezh: 220?
titl: 305, General of Constantine the Great
354/7 <31> Guorcein ? (ap Gwyrdol, Flavius Gerontius, Dumnonii) [?]
ganedigezh: > 225
345/7 <30> Rippa ? (Anglia) [?]
376/7 <31> Doli of the Venedos [Veneti]
397/7 <29> Adhur-Anahid ? (Myrodh (Miroh)) [Arsacid]


451/8 <37+?> Юлий Гонорий Флавий [Флавии]
ganedigezh: Римское царство
402/8 <33> Bartherus [Francos Salianos]
ganedigezh: 180, Germany
titl: Rex Sahlien
marvidigezh: 272, France
443/8 <39+?> Шапур I Сасанич [Сасаничі]
darvoud all: Царство Перське, Contemporary of Lucius Septimius Odaenathus
darvoud 1: 221, Gundeshapur, Царство Перське, Founding of the Library of Gundeshapur
414/8 <35> Клеменс Флавій (Cluim Guletic, AltClut) [Флавії]
ganedigezh: 250?, Римське царство
425/8 <38> Gorein (Guorcein) ? (of Dobrogea, Ap Guorcein, Flavius Gerontius) [?]
436/8 <39+?> Isurnia of Apulia [Longbeard]
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